Selection, Concatenation and Fusion of Sequences

< Input files Table of content Graphical mode >
For a detailed description of how to launch SCaFoS according to the operating system, see 'To run SCaFoS' in the Graphical mode section

To create the OTU files

scafos in=<dirIn> out=<dirOut>
[frq=<freq>] [name=<file.nom>] [l=<minlen>]

dirIn directory of input files of aligned sequences
dirOut output directory
freq minimum frequency of species in files
file.nom list of species with corresponding taxa
minlen minimal percent of sequence length to keep a sequence (default=10%); i.e. minimal length needed to calculate the evolutionary distance or to conserve the chimerical sequence
cat=yes done an automatic concatenation after creation of OTU file (default=no)

To select files

scafos in=<dirIn> out=<dirOut> file.otu=<file>.otu
o=[ofav] [l=<minlen>]

dirIn directory of input files of aligned sequences
dirOut output directory
file.otu list of OTUs used for assembling datasets
o write files with ONLY SELECTED SPECIES in dirOut
not compatible with f and a options
f copy files with AT LEAST ONE SELECTED SPECIES in dirOut
not compatible with o and a options
a copy files containing ALL OTUs in dirOut
not compatible with f and o options
v verbose
minlen minimal percent of sequence length to keep a sequence (default=10%); i.e. minimal length needed to calculate the evolutionary distance or to conserve the chimerical sequence

To construct dataset

scafos in=<dirIn> out=<dirOut>
otu=<file>.otu [gamma=yes] [t=<threshold>]
[puz=no] o=[gsclrv] g=<number>
s=<percent> p=<step>] [def=yes auto=yes]
[m=<missing>] [l=<minlen>]
[format=fpmnba] [color=yes] [cmp=yes]

dirIn directory of input files of aligned sequences
dirOut output directory
file.otu list of OTUs used for assembling datasets
gamma=yes use of 4 gamma categories to calculate evolutionary distances
threshold threshold used to compare distances from puzzle and eliminate OTUs containing too divergent sequences
puz=no doesn't use PUZZLE to determine best sequence
(default=use of PUZZLE)
not compatible with def option
g make subdirectories with files containing less than number missing OTUs
(default = number of OTUs)
s make subdirectories of files containing less than percent of missing sites
(default = 20%)
c make chimera with partial sequences in an OTU
l add character number in concatenated sequence after sequence name
r remove completely a file when at least one OTU does not respect the threshold
(default=no removal action)br> not compatible with def option
v verbose
step step of percent of missing sites to create sub-directories
def=yes use of input files *.def for selected sequences
(default=sequences selected by SCaFoS computation)
auto=yes use SCaFoS computation and don't ask user if more than one sequences are possible
missing percent of missing sites to use sequence as a complete sequence [0:50]
minlen minimal percent of sequence length to keep a sequence; i.e. minimal length needed to calculate the evolutionary distance or to conserve the chimerical sequence
f output files in FASTA format
p output files in PHYLIP format
m output files in MUST format
n output files in NEXUS format
b output files in NEXUS format with commands for MrBayes
a output files in NEXUS format with commands for PAUP
color=yes modify colors in files:
     green ->chimera
     blue ->selected sequence
     grey -> discarded sequence
cmp=yes display the variation in amino acid or nucleotide composition
< Input files Table of content Graphical mode >

Hervé PHILIPPE's Lab