striated spine scales cover the Reclinomonas lorica. |
Reclinomonas cells
have a single mitochondrion, located in the anterior end of the cell
next to the nucleus. The mitochondrial cristae are tubular.
A single Golgi body/dictyosome lies next to the mitochondrion. |
The cytoskeleton is an asymmetrical system of two flagellar bases,
three ventral microtubular roots, and a dorsal microtubular fan.
Other jakobids, especially Histiona and Jakoba but also Malawimonas, have
very similar cytoskeletal architectures in their trophic cells. |
The posterior
flagellum in trophic cells, but not in zoospores, possesses a
conspicuous and characteristic flagellar vane. The vane arises
from the dorsal side of the flagellum, as in Histiona
and Jakoba; the
vane arises from the ventral side of the flagellum in Malawimonas, and
from both sides in retortamonads. |
The left ventral microtubular root bears a
complex proteinaceous multilayered structure (MLS). |
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