Reproduction and life history
Reclinomonas cells reproduce asexually by binary
division. No sexual reproduction has been observed.
The first sign of imminent cell division is the formation of two
new basal
bodies in the vicinity of the old ones.
Just prior to
prophase, the basal bodies split into two pairs,
which then
migrate to opposite ends of the cell. Each pair consists of one "old" and
one "new" basal body. The "old" basal body in each pair will
become basal body 1 (eldest) in the progeny cells. Flagella remain
attached to the old basal bodies, and new flagella form on the new basal
bodies. Flagella remain attached throughout division. The microtubular
roots of the parent cell are severed from the separating basal body pairs
near their proximal ends (the ends nearest the basal bodies). The roots
then progressively depolymerize posteriorly.
At prophase, the
basal bodies are located at the spindle
poles. Each
basal body pair is the focus for a cone of microtubules that extends
toward and envelops the nucleus. Also, at each basal body pair, new
microtubular roots have begun to form. The nuclear envelope initially
remains intact, but later dissipates, at which time the microtubules enter
the nucleus and become associated with chromosomes. Chromosome
condensation is evident at prophase. The nucleolus remains intact.
At metaphase, there
are two conical "half-spindles" focused on
the basal
body complexes and terminating at the chromosomal plate. Chromosomes are
small, irregularly shaped and difficult to count. The number appears to
be in th twenties or thirties. The nucleolus is persistent.
Chromosome movement at anaphase appears to be due mostly to the
separation of the spindle poles. There do not appear to be any
microtubules that extend from one spindle pole to the other (that is,
there is no "interzonal spindle"), and shortening of the microtubules in
the half spindles is minimal until late anaphase and telophase.
At telophase, nuclei reform, chromosomes decondense, and spindle
microtubules disappear. A cleavage furrow is initiated between the basal
body pairs and progresses posteriorly until the cells are separated. The
reforming microtubular roots are visible just behind the leading edge of
the cleavage furrow.
The progeny cell that receives the parent cell's anterior flagellum
(basal body 2) also receives a large vesicle containing lorica
scales. This cell becomes the zoospore and swims away. After an hour
or so, this swimming cell settles, secreting its lorica, and its
elder flagellum becomes associated with the ventral groove and
develops a vane ... that is, the anterior flagellum of the parent
cell becomes the posterior flagellum of the progeny cell.
The progeny cell that receives the parent cell's posterior flagellum
remains in the parent lorica.
Cysts form, as far as is known, from single trophic cells. Their
prevalence and role in nature is unknown. In culture, they remain viable
for several months, germinating upon a change in culture medium upon the
appearance of fresh food bacteria.
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