
Selected references

Bardele CF. 1977. Comparative study of axopodial microtubule pattern control in the centrohelidan heliozoa Actinophrys, Raphidiophrys, and Heterophrys. Journal of Cell Science 25: 205-232. Abstract via NCBI PubMed

Dürrschmidt M, Patterson DJ. 1987. On the organization of the Heliozoa Raphidiophrys ambigua Penard and R. pallida Schulze. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris, séries 13, 8: 135.

Febvre-Chevalier C. 1990. Phylum Actinopoda, Class Heliozoa. In: Handbook of Protoctista (Margulis L, Corliss JO, Melkonian M, Chapman DJ, eds.), p. 347. Jones & Bartlett, Boston.

Nicholls KH, Dürrschmidt M. 1985. Scale structure and taxonomy of some species of Raphidocystis, Raphidiophrys and Pompholyxophrys (Heliozoea) including descriptions of six new taxa. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63: 1944-1961.

Page FC, Siemensma FJ. 1991. Nackte Rhizopoda und Heliozoea. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.

Patterson DJ, Dürrschmidt M. 1988. The formation of siliceous scales by Raphidiophrys ambigua (Protista, Centroheliozoa). Journal of Cell Science 91: 33.

Siemensma FJ, Roijackers RMM. 1988. The genus Raphidiophrys (Actinopoda, Heliozoea): scale morphology and species distinctions. Archiv für Protistenkunde 136: 237.

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