

                                                              Handbook of
               Botany                Zoology                  Protoctista         Cavalier-Smith
Kingdom:      Plantae                Animalia                 Protoctista         Plantae
Division/     Chlorophyta
  Phylum:                            Sarcomastigophora        Chlorophyta         Chlorophyta
Class:        Prasinophyceae         Phytomastigophorea       Prasinophyceae      (not given)
Order:        Pyramimonadales        Prasinomonadida          Pyramimonadales     (not given)
Family:       Pyramimonadaceae       (not given)              Pyramimonadaceae    (not given)
Access the NCBI Taxonomy classification of Prasinophyceae.

Note: this classification list the genus Pyramimonas under the Halosphaeraceae (Chlorodendrales), and not under the Pyramimonadales. According to the codes of organismal nomenclature (in this case the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature), the basis of the ordinal name Pyramimonadales is the genus name Pyramimonas, therefore Pyramimonas should always be placed within Pyramimonadales when both names are used.

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