

                                                              Handbook of
               Botany                Zoology                  Protoctista         Cavalier-Smith
Kingdom:      Plantae                Animalia                 Protoctista         Protozoa
Division/     Pyrrhophyta
  Phylum:                            Sarcomastigophora        Dinoflagellata      Dinozoa
Class:        Dinophyceae            Phytomastigophorea       Dinophyceae         Peridinea
Order:        Peridiniales           Dinoflagellida           Peridiniales        (not given)
Family:       Peridiniaceae          Peridiniidae             Peridiniaceae       (not given)

Access the NCBI Taxonomy classification of dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae). This classification is based on the proposed relationship between dinoflagellates, ciliates, apicomplexans, and haplosporidians (the "alveolate" protists); to view this hierarchy, click "Go to parent" on the NCBI Taxonomy screen.

The botanical division may also be spelled "Pyrrophyta". Some botanists use "Dinophyta" instead of "Pyrrhophyta".

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