- Genus and Species Diagnoses
Malawimonas O'Kelly & Nerad
p. 529).
Malawimonads without loricas or other morphologically distinctive covering
on cell or flagellar surfaces. Flagellate cells bacterivorous, ingesting
prey near the posterior end of the ventral groove; permanently
differentiated cytostome lacking.
Etymology: "Malawi flagellate" (Malawi-, the African nation
from which the type species was isolated; monas,
Gk. "wanderer". Malawimonas is a third declension feminine Latin
noun. With one species, M. jakobiformis.
Malawimonas jakobiformis O'Kelly &
p. 530).
Freshwater protists with characteristics of genus, associated with lake
sediments. Cell shape plastic, typically elongate, tapered at both ends,
ventral surface planar to concave, dorsal surface convex. Flagellate
cells 4.0 - 8.5 micrometres in length, 2.0 - 4.5 micrometres in
width. Cysts 3.5 - 4.9 micrometres diameter, spherical, with smooth wall,
attached to substrate by pad of adhesive material.
Type locality: Chirombo Bay, Lake Nyasa, Malawi (14° 5
´ S, 34° 5 ´ W).
Holotype: Cryopreserved living material, conserved at the
Type Culture Collection (ATCC) as strain 50310. Protargol-stained
and resin-embedded cells derived from strain 50310 conserved at ATCC and
the Natural History Museum, Smithsonian Institution, accession number USNM
Etymology: "resembing Jakoba" (jakobi-, the jakobid
genus Jakoba, from Jakoba Ruinen, who described the species now
called J. libera; formis, Gk. "form of").