Naegleria gruberi

Organismal description

Taxonomy :

Protista, Heterolobosea, Schizopyrenida, Vahlkampfiidae, Naegleria.

Phenotype :

Amoeboflagellate, reversibly transforming from the amoeboid stage to the flagellar stage, possessing two anterior flagella.

Ecology :

Free-living in soil and fresh water, feeding on bacteria. Several species of this genus, such as N. fowleri and strains of N. australiensis, cause a fatal disease of the central nervous system (meningoencephalomyelitis).

Ultrastructure :

Mitochondria are of the discoidal cristae type.

[ Acanthamoeba | Cafeteria | Chrysodidymus | Jakoba | Malawimonas | Monosiga* | Naegleria | Ochromonas | Pedinomonas | Phytophthora* | Porphyra | Prototheca | Reclinomonas | Rhodomonas | Tetrahymena | Thraustochytrium ]
Fungal mtDNAs (FMGP)* | Other complete mtDNAs | Gene names | Mitochondrial Genomics ]