Detailed annotation info for ENST00000317137; RER1 protein. [Source:Uniprot/SWISSPROT;Acc:O15258]
Annotation Name | LOC298675; similar to RER1 homolog | |||||||||
Score | 383&emsp![]() | |||||||||
E-value | 1e-107 | |||||||||
% Sequence Identity | 93% (69/74) | |||||||||
Locus | LOC298675 | |||||||||
EC Number | ||||||||||
COG Function | ||||||||||
KEGG Pathway | ||||||||||
Source | Accession | Description | Score | E-value | % Sequence Identity | Locus | EC Number | Informative Hit | Function/Pathway | GeneOntology |
uniref90 | UniRef90_UPI000015FE3D | UPI000015FE3D related cluster | 1108 | 1e-120 | 100% (205/205) | 0 | ||||
nr | XP_216607 | similar to RER1 homolog [Rattus norvegicus] ref|NP_080671.1| RER1 homolog [Mus musculus] gb|AAH29189.1| RER1 homolog [Mus musculus] dbj|BAC37253.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] dbj|BAB28755.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] dbj|BAB22935.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] dbj|BAB22181.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] | 383 | 1e-105 | 93% (69/74) | 6 | ||||
cog | SPAC22E12.05c | [U] COG5249 Golgi protein involved in Golgi-to-ER retrieval | 184 | 3e-43 | 48% (30/62) | 1 | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | |||
kegg | rno:298675 | LOC298675; similar to RER1 homolog | 383 | 1e-107 | 93% (69/74) | LOC298675 | 2 | |||
smart | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
pfam | PF03248 | pfam03248, Rer1, Rer1 family | 344 | 1e-32 | 60% (46/76) | Rer1 | 1 |