Detailed annotation info for ENST00000294399; Krueppel-related zinc finger protein 3 (HKR3 protein). [Source:Uniprot/SWISSPROT;Acc:P10074]
Annotation Name | Krueppel-related zinc finger protein 3 related cluster | |||||||||
Score | 3557&emsp![]() | |||||||||
E-value | 0.0 | |||||||||
% Sequence Identity | 96% (663/688) | |||||||||
Locus | LOC362668 | |||||||||
EC Number | ||||||||||
COG Function | General function prediction only | |||||||||
KEGG Pathway | ||||||||||
Source | Accession | Description | Score | E-value | % Sequence Identity | Locus | EC Number | Informative Hit | Function/Pathway | GeneOntology |
uniref90 | UniRef90_P10074 | Krueppel-related zinc finger protein 3 related cluster | 3557 | 0.0 | 96% (663/688) | 1 | GO:0003676|nucleic acid binding|IEA; GO:0003677|DNA binding|IEA; GO:0003700|transcription factor activity|TAS; GO:0005515|protein binding|IEA; GO:0005634|nucleus|IEA; GO:0006355|regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent|IEA; GO:0008270|zinc ion binding|IEA | |||
nr | XP_514341 | PREDICTED: GLI-Kruppel family member HKR3 [Pan troglodytes] | 3474 | 0.0 | 89% (662/742) | 4 | ||||
cog | SPAC144.09c | [R] COG5048 FOG: Zn-finger | 250 | 9e-21 | 35% (66/186) | 1 | General function prediction only | |||
kegg | rno:362668 | LOC362668; similar to Krueppel-related zinc finger protein 3 (HKR3 protein) | 3094 | 0.0 | 85% (591/688) | LOC362668 | 2 | |||
smart | 00225 | smart00225, BTB, Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac; Domain in Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac | 184 | 2e-15 | 39% (36/92) | BTB | 1 | |||
smart2 | 00355 | smart00355, ZnF_C2H2, zinc finger; | 96 | 4e-05 | 39% (9/23) | ZnF_C2H2 | 2 | |||
pfam | PF00651 | pfam00651, BTB, BTB/POZ domain | 243 | 1e-20 | 38% (41/107) | BTB | 1 | |||
pfam2 | PF03251 | pfam03251, Tymo_45kd_70kd, Tymovirus 45/70Kd protein | 109 | 3e-05 | 21% (70/322) | Tymo_45kd_70kd | 2 |