Forterre P., Bouthier de la Tour C., Philippe H., Duguet M.
Trends Genet. 2000 Apr;16(4):152-4
The files of aligned sequences that have been used in
this study can be downloaded here in PHYLIP format (don't forget to hold
down SHIFT while clicking on the link):
gyrase data set, complete
(version 0.73b, Jose
Castresana, 1999)
Reverse gyrase
data set, positions selected by G-Blocks
Reverse gyrase
data set, positions actually used for this study
I (+ reverse gyrase) data set, complete
I (+ reverse gyrase) data set, positions actually used for this study
The corresponding trees are also available:
Reverse gyrase data set, positions selected by G-Blocks
Reverse gyrase data set, positions actually used for this study
Topo-isomerase I (+ reverse gyrase) data set, positions actually used for this study
Mutational saturation plots:
Reverse gyrase, G-Blocks
Reverse gyrase, this study
Topo-isomerase I, this study
searchs on the vicinity of the reverse gyrase gene:
Click on a gene to see the corresponding BLAST
search. Genes with a bacterial homologue as first hit are displayed
in green, genes with an archeal one are displayed in red and others are
displayed in white.
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