Detailed annotation info for ACL00009075;
Annotation NameBTB domain containing protein
% Sequence Identity25% (14/56)
EC Number
COG Function
KEGG Pathway
SourceAccessionDescriptionScoreE-value% Sequence IdentityLocusEC NumberInformative HitFunction/PathwayGeneOntology
SSUNo hits found0
LSUNo hits found0
uniref90No hits found0
nrNo hits found0
cogNo hits found0
keggNo hits found0
smart00225smart00225, BTB, Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac; Domain in Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac903e-0525% (14/56)BTB1
pfamNo hits found0
est_othersNo hits found0