Detailed annotation info for ACL00004444;
smart500177smart00177, ARF, ARF-like small GTPases; ARF, ADP-ribosylation factor; Ras homologues involved in vesicular transport896e-0529% (20/68)ARF5
Annotation NameRas-related protein Rab-2-B related cluster
% Sequence Identity54% (85/157)
EC Number
COG Function
KEGG Pathway
SourceAccessionDescriptionScoreE-value% Sequence IdentityLocusEC NumberInformative HitFunction/PathwayGeneOntology
SSUNo hits found0
LSUNo hits found0
uniref90UniRef90_P49104Ras-related protein Rab-2-B related cluster4182e-4054% (85/157)1GO:0005525|GTP binding|IEA; GO:0007264|small GTPase mediated signal transduction|IEA; GO:0015031|protein transport|IEA
nrP49104Ras-related protein Rab-2-B pir||T02248 GTP-binding protein rab2b - maize gb|AAA63902.1| GTP binding protein4184e-4054% (85/157)1
cogSPAC1B3.11c[R] COG1100 GTPase SAR1 and related small G proteins2876e-2644% (53/119)1 General function prediction only
keggmmu:59021Rab2; RAB2, member RAS oncogene family3992e-3852% (83/157)Rab21
smart00175smart00175, RAB, Rab subfamily of small GTPases; Rab GTPases are implicated in vesicle trafficking3924e-4053% (61/113)RAB1
smart200173smart00173, RAS, Ras subfamily of RAS small GTPases; Similar in fold and function to the bacterial EF-Tu GTPase2179e-2043% (45/104)RAS2
smart300174smart00174, RHO, Rho (Ras homology) subfamily of Ras-like small GTPases; Members of this subfamily of Ras-like small GTPases include Cdc42 and Rac, as well as Rho isoforms1693e-1426% (33/126)RHO3
smart400176smart00176, RAN, Ran (Ras-related nuclear proteins) /TC4 subfamily of small GTPases; Ran is involved in the active transport of proteins through nuclear pores1362e-1030% (34/111)RAN4
pfamPF00071pfam00071, Ras, Ras family3687e-3651% (58/112)Ras1
est_othersBM348836MEST302-A12.T3 ISUM5-RN Zea mays cDNA clone MEST302-A12 3'.914e-4338% (20/52)1