Detailed annotation info for ACL00003810;
Annotation NameBTB (POZ) domain containing 6 [Mus musculus] sp|Q8K2J9|BTB6_MOUSE BTB/POZ domain containing protein 6 gb|AAH31195.1| BTB (POZ) domain containing 6 [Mus musculus]
% Sequence Identity32% (41/126)
EC Number
COG Function
KEGG Pathway
SourceAccessionDescriptionScoreE-value% Sequence IdentityLocusEC NumberInformative HitFunction/PathwayGeneOntology
SSUNo hits found0
LSUNo hits found0
uniref90UniRef90_Q7QIH6EbiP5735 related cluster1431e-0832% (38/117)0GO:0005515|protein binding|IEA
nrNP_964008BTB (POZ) domain containing 6 [Mus musculus] sp|Q8K2J9|BTB6_MOUSE BTB/POZ domain containing protein 6 gb|AAH31195.1| BTB (POZ) domain containing 6 [Mus musculus]1343e-0732% (41/126)6
cogNo hits found0
keggdme:CG1826-PACG1826; CG1826 gene product1375e-0829% (43/148)CG18261
smart00225smart00225, BTB, Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac; Domain in Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac1561e-1233% (34/101)BTB1
pfamPF00651pfam00651, BTB, BTB/POZ domain1813e-1429% (34/114)BTB1
est_othersCK241182rx26c04.y1 Meloidogyne paranaensis egg SL1 pGEM Meloidogyne paranaensis cDNA 5' similar to SW:YLJ8_CAEEL P34371 HYPOTHETICAL 46.7 KD PROTEIN C50C3.8 IN CHROMOSOME III. [1] ;.463e-0635% (11/31)1