Detailed annotation info for ACL00003226;
Annotation NamezupT; zinc transporter
% Sequence Identity41% (28/68)
EC Number
COG Function Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
KEGG Pathway
SourceAccessionDescriptionScoreE-value% Sequence IdentityLocusEC NumberInformative HitFunction/PathwayGeneOntology
SSUNo hits found0
LSUNo hits found0
uniref90No hits found0
nrYP_009176zinc transporter [Desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris str. Hildenborough] gb|AAS94460.1| zinc transporter [Desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris str. Hildenborough]1281e-0641% (28/68)1
cogMA0387[P] COG0428 Predicted divalent heavy-metal cations transporter1116e-0636% (27/75)1 Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
keggdvu:DVUA0136zupT; zinc transporter1283e-0741% (28/68)zupT1
smartNo hits found0
pfamNo hits found0
est_othersNo hits found0