Detailed annotation info for ACL00002554;
Annotation Name | K6O8.2; haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase family | |||||||||
Score | 476&emsp![]() | |||||||||
E-value | 2e-47 | |||||||||
% Sequence Identity | 72% (93/129) | |||||||||
Locus | ||||||||||
EC Number | ||||||||||
COG Function | ||||||||||
KEGG Pathway | ||||||||||
Source | Accession | Description | Score | E-value | % Sequence Identity | Locus | EC Number | Informative Hit | Function/Pathway | GeneOntology |
SSU | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
LSU | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
uniref90 | UniRef90_Q9FN41 | Similarity to enolase-phosphatase related cluster | 476 | 2e-47 | 72% (93/129) | 1 | GO:0003824|catalytic activity|IEA; GO:0008152|metabolism|IEA | |||
nr | NP_200196 | haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] | 476 | 6e-47 | 72% (93/129) | 1 | ||||
cog | YJR024c | [G] COG0235 Ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase and related epimerases and aldolases | 330 | 6e-31 | 46% (68/147) | 1 | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | |||
kegg | ath:At5g53850 | K6O8.2; haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase family | 476 | 2e-47 | 72% (93/129) | 1 | ||||
smart | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
pfam | PF00596 | pfam00596, Aldolase_II, Class II Aldolase and Adducin N-terminal domain | 285 | 3e-26 | 35% (48/137) | Aldolase_II | 1 | |||
est_others | BM985927 | 7_A03_T3 Ath Thellungiella halophila cDNA clone 7_A03_T3 similar to CGI-29 protein. | 228 | 1e-21 | 67% (64/95) | 1 |