Detailed annotation info for ACL00002474;
Annotation Name | START domain containing protein | |||||||||
Score | 156&emsp![]() | |||||||||
E-value | 3e-11 | |||||||||
% Sequence Identity | 24% (42/175) | |||||||||
Locus | ||||||||||
EC Number | ||||||||||
COG Function | ||||||||||
KEGG Pathway | ||||||||||
Source | Accession | Description | Score | E-value | % Sequence Identity | Locus | EC Number | Informative Hit | Function/Pathway | GeneOntology |
SSU | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
LSU | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
uniref90 | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
nr | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
cog | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
kegg | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
smart | 00234 | smart00234, START, in StAR and phosphatidylcholine transfer protein; putative lipid-binding domain in StAR and phosphatidylcholine transfer protein | 142 | 5e-11 | 24% (41/168) | START | 1 | |||
pfam | PF01852 | pfam01852, START, START domain | 156 | 3e-11 | 24% (42/175) | START | 1 | |||
est_others | BU276123 | Cr_Emb_06H10_TEXF1 Convoluta roscoffensis embryos from Eva Jiminez Symsagittifera roscofensis cDNA clone Cr_Emb_06H10 5'. | 62 | 4e-08 | 45% (15/33) | 1 |