Detailed annotation info for ACL00002378;
Annotation Name | similar to 4-methyl-5(B-hydroxyethyl)-thiazol monophosphate biosynthesis enzyme, closer | |||||||||
Score | 388&emsp![]() | |||||||||
E-value | 7e-37 | |||||||||
% Sequence Identity | 50% (80/158) | |||||||||
Locus | ||||||||||
EC Number | ||||||||||
COG Function | ||||||||||
KEGG Pathway | ||||||||||
Source | Accession | Description | Score | E-value | % Sequence Identity | Locus | EC Number | Informative Hit | Function/Pathway | GeneOntology |
SSU | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
LSU | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
uniref90 | UniRef90_Q7RFR5 | Drosophila melanogaster CG1349 gene product related cluster | 295 | 5e-26 | 40% (63/155) | 8 | ||||
nr | AAM60860 | 4-methyl-5(b-hydroxyethyl)-thiazole monophosphate biosynthesis protein, putative [Arabidopsis thaliana] | 338 | 1e-30 | 43% (69/157) | 1 | ||||
cog | YPO3172 | [R] COG0693 Putative intracellular protease/amidase | 294 | 2e-26 | 43% (69/160) | 1 | General function prediction only | |||
kegg | cme:CMS007C | similar to 4-methyl-5(B-hydroxyethyl)-thiazol monophosphate biosynthesis enzyme, closer | 388 | 7e-37 | 50% (80/158) | 1 | ||||
smart | No hits found | 0 | ||||||||
pfam | PF01965 | pfam01965, DJ-1_PfpI, DJ-1/PfpI family | 295 | 2e-27 | 40% (58/143) | DJ-1_PfpI | 1 | |||
est_others | CF836594 | UCRCS03_03D20_r Washington Navel Orange Shoot Meristem cDNA Library Citrus sinensis cDNA clone CS_PEa03D20. | 245 | 9e-24 | 50% (65/129) | 1 |