Gertraud Burger | publications and lectures

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Refereed papers, published, in press, accepted, or under revision


    Thimmappa BC, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Turcotte M, Lang BF, Burger G (2025)
    "Microbes beneficial to cranberry plants."
    ISHS Acta Horticulturae ##, XIII Vaccinium Symposium (Percival D, Polashock J, Retamales J, eds)   doi: ##


    Thimmappa BC, Sarrasin M, Lang BF, Burger G (2024)
    "A draft genome sequence of Diaporthe vaccinii, isolated from diseased cranberries."
    Microbiol Resour Announc, revision with the editor, manuscript nr. MRA00466-24R1

    Thimmappa BC, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Henrissat B, Lang BF, Burger G (2024)
    "A biofertilizing fungal endophyte of cranberry plants suppresses the plant pathogen Diaporthe."
    Front Microbiol 15:1327392   doi: fmicb.2024.1327392     Abstract


    Záhonová K, Valach M, Tripathi P, Benz C, Opperdoes FR, Barath P, Lukáčová V, Danchenko M, Faktorová D, Horváth A, Burger G, Lukes J, Skodová-Sveráková I* (2023)
    "Subunit composition of mitochondrial dehydrogenase complexes in diplonemid flagellates."
    BBA - General Subjects 1867(9):130419   doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2023.130419     Abstract

    Lang BF, Beck N, Prince S, Sarrasin M, Rioux P, Burger G (2023)
    "Mitochondrial genome annotation with MFannot: a critical analysis of gene identification and gene model prediction."
    Frontiers Plant Sci 14:12222186   doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1222186     Abstract

    Valach M*, Benz C, Aguilar LC, Gahura O, Faktorova D, Zikova A, Oeffinger M, Burger G, Gray MW, Lukes M (2023)
    "Miniature RNAs are embedded in an exceptionally protein-rich mitoribosome via an elaborate assembly pathway."
    Nucleic Acid Res 51(12):6443-6460   doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad422     Abstract

    Valach M*, Moreira S*, Petitjean C, Benz C, Butenko A, Flegontova O, Nenarokova A, Prokopchuk G, Batstone T, Lapbie P, Lemogo L*, Sarrasin M, Stretenowich P, Tripathi P, Yazaki E, Nara T, Henrissat B, Lang BF, Gray MW, Williams TA, Lukes J, Burger G (2023) (*, shared first authorship)
    "Recent expansion of metabolic versatility in Diplonema papillatum, the model species of a highly speciose group of marine eukaryotes."
    BMC Biol 21:99   doi: 10.1186/s12915-023-01563-9     Abstract

    Thimmappa BC, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Lang BF, Burger G (2023)
    "Nuclear genome sequence and gene expression of an intracellular fungal endophyte stimulating the growth of cranberry plants."
    J Fungi 9(1):126   doi:10.3390/jof9010126     Abstract


    Sahli L, Bustamante P, Forget L, Burger G, Lang BF (2022)
    "Endosymbionts in cranberries: diversity and effect on plant growth and pathogen biocontrol."
    Plant People Planet 1:1-12   doi:10.1002/ppp3.10290


    Lax G, Kolisko M, Eglit Y, Le WJ, Yubuki N, Karnkowska A, Leander B, Burger G, Keeling P, Simpson A (2021)
    "Multigene phylogenetics of euglenids based on single-cell transcriptomics of diverse phagotrophs."
    Molec Phylo Evol 159:107088   doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107088     Abstract

    Valach M, Gonzalez Alcazar JA, Sarrasin M, Lang BF, Gray MW, Burger G (2021)
    "Unexpectedly complex mitoribosomes in Andalucia godoyi, a protist with the most bacteria-like mitochondrial genome."
    Molec Biol Evol 38(3):788-804   doi:10.1093/molbev/msaa223     Abstract


    Faktorova D, Kaur B, Valach M, Graf L, Benz C, Burger G, Lukes J (2020)
    "Targeted integration by homologous recombination enables in-situ tagging and replacement of genes in the marine microeukaryote Diplonema papillatum."
    Environ Microbiol 22(9):3660-3670   doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15130     Abstract

    Faktorova D, Nisbet ER, et al, Burger G, et al, Valach M, et al, Lukes J (2020)
    "Genetic tool development in marine protists: Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology."
    Nature Methods   doi: 10.1038/s41592-020-0796-x    Abstract
    Science Web    Springer Nature Blog    Moore Foundation Web     Editorial

    Kaur B, Zahonova K, Valach M, Faktorova D, Prokopchuk G, Burger G, Lukes J (2020)
    "Gene fragmentation and RNA editing without borders: eccentric mitochondrial genomes of diplonemids."
    Nucleic Acids Res 48(5):2694-2708   doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz1215   Abstract

    Gray MW, Burger G, Derelle R, Klimes V, Leger MM, Sarrasin M, Vlcek C, Roger AJ, Elias M, Lang BF (2020)
    "The draft genome sequence and predicted mitochondrial proteome of Andalucia godoyi, a protist with the most gene-rich and bacteria-like mitochondrial genome."
    BMC Biol 18(1):22   doi: 10.1186/s12915-020-0741-6  


    Muñoz-Gómez SA, Hess S, Burger G, Lang BF, Susko E, Slamovits CH, Roger AJ (2019)
    "An updated phylogeny of the Alphaproteobacteria reveals that the parasitic Rickettsiales and Holosporales have independent origins."
    eLife 8:e42535   doi: 10.1101/462648   Abstract


    Valach M, Léveillé-Kunst A, Gray MW, Burger G (2018)
    "Respiratory chain Complex I of unparalleled divergence in diplonemids."
    J Biol Chem 293(41):16043-16056   doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.005326   Abstract

    Burger G, Valach M (2018)
    "Perfection of eccentricity: mitochondrial genomes of diplonemids."
    IUBMB Life 70(12):1197-1206   doi: 10.1002/iub.1927   Abstract

    Záhonová K, Petreelková R, Valach M, Yazaki E, Tikhonenkov DV, Butenko A, Janouskovec J, Hrdá S, Klimes V, Burger G, Inagaki Y, Keeling PJ, Hampl V, Flegontov P, Yurchenko V, Eliás M (2018)
    "Extensive molecular tinkering in the evolution of the membrane attachment mode of the Rheb GTPase."
    Sci Reports 8:5239   doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23575-0   Abstract

    Kaur B, Valach M, Pena-Diaz P, Moreira S, Keeling PJ, Burger G, Lukes J, Faktorova D (2018)
    "Transformation of Diplonema papillatum, the type species of the highly diverse and abundant marine micro-eukaryotes Diplonemida (Euglenozoa)."
    Environ Micobiol 20:1030-1040.   doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14041   Abstract


    Valach M, Moreira S, Hoffmann S, Stadler PF, Burger G (2017)
    "Keeping it complicated: mitochondrial genome plasticity in diplonemids."
    Sci Reports 7:14166.   doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14286-z   Abstract


    Valach M, Moreira S, Faktorova D, Lukes J, Burger G (2016)
    "Post-transcriptional mending of gene sequences: looking under the hood of mitochondrial gene expression in diplonemids."
    RNA Biol 13(12):1204-1211.   Abstract

    Burger G, Moreira S, Valach M (2016)
    "Genes in hiding."
    Trends Genet 32(9):535-565.   doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2016.06.005   Abstract

    Burger G (2016)
    "Non-functional genes repaired at the RNA level."
    C R Biol 339:289-295.   doi: 10.1016/j.crvi.2016.04.004   Abstract, PDF

    Corrochano LM, Alan Kuo A, Marcet-Houben M, Polaino S, Salamov A, Villalobos JM, Álvarez MI, Avalos J, Benito EP, Benoit I, Burger G, et al (2016)
    "Expansion of signal transduction pathways in fungi by whole-genome duplication."
    Current Biol 26(12):1577-1584   Abstract

    Moreira S, Valach M, Aoulad-Aissa M, Otto C, Burger G (2016)
    "Novel modes of RNA editing in mitochondria."
    Nucleic Acids Res 44(10):4907-4919.   doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw188   Abstract


    Moreira S, Noutahi E, Lamoureux G, Burger G (2015)
    "Three-dimensional structure model and predicted rewiring of ATP interactions of a deviant RNA ligase."
    BMC Struct Biol 15:20-34   Abstract

    Nosek J, Tomaska L, Burger G, Lang BF (2015)
    "Programmed translational bypassing elements in mitochondria: structure, mobility and evolutionary origin."
    Trends Genet 31(4):197-194   Abstract


    Valach M, Burger G, Gray MW, Lang BF (2014)
    "Widespread occurrence of organelle genome-encoded 5S rRNAs including permuted molecules."
    Nucleic Acids Res 42:13764-13777   Abstract

    Lang BF, Jakubkova M, Hegedusova E, Daoud R, Forget F, Brejova B, Vinar T, Kosa P, Fricova D, Nebohacova M, Griac P, Tomaska L, Burger G, Nosek J (2014)
    "Massive programmed translational jumping in mitochondria."
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(16):5926-5931   Abstract

    Valach M, Moreira S, Kiethega G, Burger G (2014)
    "Trans-splicing and RNA-editing of LSU rRNA in Diplonema mitochondria."
    Nucleic Acids Res 42:517-528   Abstract


    Suga H, Torruella G, Burger G, Brown MW, Ruiz-Trillo I (2013)
    "Earliest holozoan expansion of phosphotyrosine signaling."
    Molec Biol Evol 31:517-528   Abstract

    Hafez M, Burger G, Steinberg SV, Lang BF (2013)
    "A second eukaryotic group with mitochondrion-encoded tmRNA. in silico identification and experimental confirmation."
    RNA Biology 10:1117-1124   Abstract

    Burger G, Gray MW, Forget L, Lang BF (2013)
    "A strikingly bacteria-like and gene-rich mitochondrial genome is a hallmark of jakobid protists."
    Genome Biol Evol 5:418-438   Abstract

    Kiethega G, Yan Y, Turcotte M, Burger G (2013)
    "RNA-level unscrambling of fragmented genes in Diplonema mitochondria."
    RNA Biology 10:301-313   Abstract


    Price DC, et al, Burger G, et al, Bhattacharya D (2012)
    "Cyanophora paradoxa genome elucidates origin of photosynthesis in algae and plants."
    Science 335:843-847   Abstract

    Moreira S, Breton S, Burger G (2012)
    "Unscrambling genetic information at the RNA level." (invited review)
    Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA 3:213-228   Abstract

    see also Book chapters


    Flegontov P, Gray MW, Burger G, Lukes J (2011)
    Gene fragmentation: a key to mitochondrial genome evolution in Euglenozoa?"
    Curr Genet 57(4):225-232   Abstract

    Kiethega G, Turcotte M, Burger G (2011)
    "Evolutionary conserved trans-splicing without cis-motifs."
    Mol Biol Evol 28(9):2425-2428   Abstract


    Vlcek C, Marande M, Teijeiro S, Lukes J, Burger G (2010)
    "Systematically fragmented genes in a multi-partite mitochondrial genome."
    Nucleic Acids Res 39(3):979-988   Abstract

    Shen YQ, Burger G (2010)
    "TESTLoc: protein subcellular localization prediction from EST data."
    BCM Bioinformatics 11:563   Abstract

    Baurain D, Brinkmann H, Petersen J, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, Stechmann A, Demoulin V, Roger A, Burger G, Philippe H, Lang BF (2010)
    "Phylogenomic evidence for separate acquisition of plastids in cryptophytes, haptophytes, and stramenopiles."
    Molec Biol Evol 27(7):1698-1709   Abstract

    Bullerwell CE, Burger G, Gott JM, Kourennaia O, Schnare MN, Gray MW (2010)
    "Abundant 5S rRNA-like transcripts encoded by the mitochondrial genome in amoebozoa."
    Eukaryotic Cell 9(5):762-773   Abstract


    Burger G, Yan YF, Javadi P, Lang BF (2009)
    "Group I-intron trans-splicing and mRNA editing in the mitochondria of placozoan animals"
    Trends Genet 25(9):381-386   Abstract

    Shen YQ, Lang BF, Burger G (2009)
    "Diversity and dispersal of a ubiquitous protein family: acyl-CoA dehydrogenases."
    Nucleic Acids Res 37(17):5619-5631   Abstract

    Ma LJ, Ibrahim AS, Skory C, Grabherr MG, Idnurm A, Corrochano LM, Elias M, Burger G, et al, Shen YQ, et al (2009)
    "Genomic analysis of the basal lineage fungus Rhizopus oryzae reveals a whole-genome duplication."
    PLoS Genetics 5(7):e1000459   Abstract

    Gile GH, Faktorova D, Castlejohn CA, Burger G, Lang BF, Farmer MA, Lukes J, Keeling PJ (2009)
    "Distribution and phylogeny of EFL and EF-1 in Euglenozoa suggest ancestral co-occurrence followed by differential loss."
    PLoS One 4(4):e5162   Abstract

    O'Brien E, Zhang Y, Wang E, Marie V, Badejoko W, Lang BF, Burger G (2009)
    "GOBASE: an organelle genome database."
    Nucleic Acids Res 37:D946-950   Abstract

    Shen, YQ, Burger G (2009)
    "Plasticity of a key metabolic pathway in fungi."
    Funct Integrat Genomics 9:145-151   Abstract


    Kannan S, Burger G (2008)
    "Unassigned MURF1 of kinetoplastids codes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2."
    BMC Genomics 9:455  

    Kannan S, Hauth A, Burger G (2008)
    "Function prediction of hypothetical proteins without sequence similarity to proteins of known function."
    Pept Lett 15(10):1107-1116  

    Tadepally HD, Burger G, Aubry M (2008)
    "Evolution of C2H2-zinc finger genes and subfamilies in mammals: Species-specific duplication and loss of clusters, genes and effector domains."
    BMC Evol Biol 8:176-182   Abstract

    Hauth AM, Burger G (2008)
    "Methodology for constructing problem definitions in bioinformatics."
    Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2:239-244  

    Burger G, Roy J, Teijeiro S (2008)
    "Quand les gènes s'éclatent: les génomes des diplonemidés (When genes break up: the mitochondrial genomes of diplonemids)."
    Médecine Science 24:703-705   Abstract

    Ruiz-Trillo I, Roger A, Burger G, Gray MW, Lang BF (2008)
    "A phylogenomic investigation into the origin of Metazoa."
    Mol Biol Evol 25:664-672   Abstract


    Marande W and Burger G (2007)
    "Mitochondrial DNA as a genomic jigsaw puzzle."
    Science 318:415   Abstract
    Perspectives: L.Landweber (2007) Science 318:405; Commentary: D.Speijer (2008) Science 319:901.

    Shen, YQ and Burger G (2007)
    "Unite and conquer: enhanced prediction of protein subcellular localization by integrating multiple specialized tools."
    BMC Bioinformatics 8:420-430   Abstract

    Rodriguez-Epeleta N, Brinkmann H, Burger G, Roger Andrew J, Gray MW, Philippe H, Lang BF (2007)
    "Toward resolving the eukaryotic tree: the phylogenetic positions of jakobids and cercozoans."
    Current Biol 17:1420-1425   Abstract

    Roy J, Faktorova D, Lukes J and Burger G (2007)
    "Unusual mitochondrial genome structures throughout Euglenozoa."
    Protist 158:385-396   Abstract

    Lang BF and Burger G (2007)
    "Purification of mitochondrial and plastid DNA."
    Nat Protoc 2:652-660   Abstract

    Burger G, Lavrov DV, Forget L and Lang BF (2007)
    "Sequencing complete mitochondrial and plastid genomes."
    Nat Protoc 2:603-614   Abstract

    Ruiz-Trillo I, Burger G, Holland WH, King N, Lang BF, Roger AJ and Gray MW (2007)
    "The origins of multicellularity: a multi-taxon genome initiative."
    Trends Genet 23:113-118   Abstract

    Lang BF, Laforest M-J and Burger G (2007)
    "Mitochondrial introns - a critical view."
    Trends Genet 23:119-125   Abstract

    Roy, J, Faktorova D, Benada O, Lukes J and Burger G (2007)
    "Rhynchopus euleeides n. sp. (Diplonemea), a free-living, marine euglenozoan."
    J Eukaryot Microbiol 54:137-145   Abstract

    O'Brien E, Koski L, Zhang Y, Yang L, Wang E, Gray MW, Burger G and Lang BF (2007)
    "TBestDB: a taxonomically broad database of expressed sequence tags (ESTs)."
    Nucleic Acids Res 35:D445-451   Abstract


    Iwatani K, Dora H, Lang BF, Burger G, Hori M and Fujishima M (2006)
    "Dynamics of an 89-kDa protein localizing at a specialized tip of the endonuclear symbiotic bacterium Holospora in infection."
    Jpn J Protozool 39:89-90   Abstract

    Breton S, Burger G, Stewart DT, Blier PU (2006)
    "Comparative Analysis of Gender-Associated, Complete Mitochondrial Genomes in Marine Mussels (Mytilus spp.)."
    Genetics 172:1107-1119   Abstract

    O'Brien E, Zhang Y, Yang L, Wang E, Marie V, Lang BF and Burger G (2006)
    "GOBASE - a database of organelle and bacterial genome information."
    Nucleic Acids Res 34:D697-699   Abstract


    Iwatani K, Dora H, Lang BF, Burger G, Hori M and Fujishima M (2005)
    "Translocation of an 89-kDa periplasmic protein is associated with Holospora infection."
    Biochem Biophys Res Comm 337:1198-1205   Abstract

    Lang BF, Brinkmann H, Koski LB, Fujishima M, Gortz HD, and Burger G (2005)
    "On the origin of mitochondria and Rickettsia-related eukaryotic endosymbionts."
    Jpn J Protozool 38(2):171-183

    Keeling PJ, Burger G, Durnford DG, Lang BF, Lee RW, Pearlman RE, Roger AJ and Gray MW (2005)
    "The Tree of Eukaryotes."
    Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20(12):670-676   Abstract

    Hauth A, Maier U, Lang BF and Burger G (2005)
    "The Rhodomonas salina mitochondrial genome: bacteria-like operons, compact gene arrangement and complex repeat region."
    Nucleic Acids Res 33(14):4433-4442   Abstract

    Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Brinkmann H, Burey S, Roure B, Burger G, Loeffelhardt W, Bohnert HJ, Philippe H and Lang BF (2005)
    "Monophyly of primary photosynthetic eukaryotes: green plants, red algae and glaucophytes."
    Curr Biol 15:1325-1330   Abstract

    Koski LB, Gray MW, Lang BF and Burger G (2005)
    "AutoFACT: An Automatic Functional Annotation and Classification Tool."
    BMC Bioinformatics 6:151   Abstract

    Marande W, Lukes J and Burger G (2005)
    "Unique mitochondrial genome structure in diplonemids, the sister group of kinetoplastids"
    Eukaryot Cell 4(6):1137-1146   Abstract


    Gray MW, Lang BF and Burger G (2004)
    "Mitochondria of protists." (invited review)
    Annu Rev Genet 38:477-524   Abstract

    Badidi E, Lang BF and Burger G (2004)
    "FLOSYS - a web-accessible workflow system for protocol-driven biomolecular sequence analysis."
    Cell Mol Biol 50(7):785-793   Abstract


    Badidi E, De Sousa C, Lang BF and Burger G (2003)
    "AnaBench: a Web/CORBA-based workbench for biomolecular sequence analysis"
    BMC Bionformatics 4:63  

    Burger G, MW Gray and Lang BF (2003)
    "Mitochondrial genomes, anything goes." (invited review)
    Trends in Genetics 19(12):709-716   Abstract

    Burger G and Lang BF (2003)
    "Parallels in genome evolution in mitochondria and bacterial symbionts." (invited review)
    IUBMB Life 55(4-5):205-212   Abstract

    Burger G, Lang BF, Braun HP and Marx S (2003)
    "The enigmatic mitochondrial ORF ymf39 codes for ATP synthase chain b."
    Nucl Acids Res 31 (9):2353-2360   Abstract

    Linka N, Hurka H, Lang BF, Burger G, Winkler HH, Stamme C, Urbany C, Seil I, Kusch J and Neuhaus E (2003)
    "Phylogenetic relationship of non-mitochondrial nucleotide transport proteins in bacteria and eukaryotes."
    Gene 306:27-35   Abstract

    Burger G, Forget L, Gray MW and Lang BF (2003)
    "Unique mitochondrial genome architecture in unicellular relatives of animals."
    Proc Natl Acad USA 100:892-897   Abstract

    O'Brien, E, Badidi E, Barbasiewicz A, deSousa C, Lang BF and Burger G (2003)
    "GOBASE: a database of mitochondrial and chloroplast information."
    Nucl Acids Res 1:176-178   Abstract

    Marx S, Baumgaertner M, Kannan S, Braun HP, Lang BF and Burger G (2003)
    "Structure of the bc1 complex from Seculamonas ecuadoriensis, a jakobid flagellate with in ancestral mitochondrial genome."
    Mol Biol Evol 20:145-153   Abstract


    Lang BF, O'Kelly C, Nerad T, Gray MW, and Burger G (2002)
    "The closest unicellular relatives of animals."
    Current Biology 12:1773-1778   Abstract

    Barbasiewicz A, Liu L, Lang BF and Burger G (2002)
    "Building a genome database using an object-oriented approach."
    In: In silico Biology 2 (3):213-217   Abstract


    Gray MW, Burger G and Lang BF (2001)
    "The origin and early evolution of mitochondria." (invited review)
    Genome Biology 2(6), reviews 1018.1-1018.5   Abstract

    Shimko N, Liu L, Lang BF and Burger G (2001)
    "GOBASE: the Organelle Genome Database."
    Nucl Acids Res 29(1):128-132   Abstract


    Sankoff D, Bryant D, Deneault M, Lang BF and Burger G (2000)
    "Early eukaryote evolution based on mitochondrial gene order breakpoints."
    J Comput Biol 7(3):521-535   Abstract

    Bullerwell CE, Burger G and Lang BF (2000)
    "A novel motif for identifying Rps3 homologs in fungal mitochondrial genomes."
    TIBS 25:363-365. No abstract available.

    Chesnick JM, Goff M, Graham J, Ocampo C, Lang BF, Seif E and Burger G (2000)
    "The mitochondrial genome of the stramenopile alga Chrysodidymus synuroideus. Complete sequence, gene content and genome organization."
    Nucleic Acids Res 28:2512-2518   Abstract

    Nedelcu A, Lee RW, Lemieux C, Gray MW and Burger G (2000)
    "The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Scenedesmus obliquus reflects an intermediate stage in the evolution of the green algal mitochondrial genome."
    Genome Research 10:819-831   Abstract

    Burger G, Zhu Y, Littlejohn TG, Greenwood SJ, Schnare MN, Lang BF and Gray MW (2000)
    "Complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Tetrahymena pyriformis and comparison with Paramecium aurelia mitochondrial DNA."
    J Mol Biol 297:365-380   Abstract

    Edqvist J, Burger G and Gray MW (2000)
    "Expression of mitochondrial protein-coding genes in Tetrahymena pyriformis."
    J Mol Biol 297:381-393   Abstract

    Lang BF, Paquin B and Burger G (2000)
    "L'évolution moléculaire et la révolution génomique." (invited review)
    Medecine Science 16:212-218

    Sankoff D, Bryant D, Deneault M, Lang BF and Burger G (2000)
    "Early eukaryote evolution based on mitochondrial gene order breakpoints."
    Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2000)
    (R.Shamir, S.Miyano, S. Istrail, P.Pevzner and M.S.Waterman, eds.) New York:ACM Press, Press 2000, pp. 254-262


    Zuccarello GC, Burger G, West JA and King RJ (1999)
    "A mitochondrial marker for red algal intraspecific relationships. Variable within populations and maternally inherited in Bostrychia."
    Mol Ecology 8:1443-1447   Abstract

    Lang BF, Gray MW and Burger G (1999)
    "Mitochondrial genome evolution and the origin of eukaryotes." (invited review)
    Annu Rev Genet 33:351-397   Abstract

    Lang BF, Seif E, Gray MW, O'Kelly CJ and Burger G (1999)
    "A comparative genomics approach to the evolution of eukaryotes and their mitochondria." (invited review)
    J Euk Microbiol 46:320-326   Abstract

    Burger G, Saint-Louis D, Gray MW and Lang BF (1999)
    "Complete sequences of the mitochondrial DNA of the red alga Porphyra purpurea: Cyanobacterial introns and shared ancestry of red and green algae."
    Plant Cell 11:1675-1694   Abstract

    Turmel M, Lemieux C, Burger G, Lang BF, Otis C, Plante I and Gray MW (1999)
    "The complete mitochondrial DNA sequences of Nephroselmis olivacea and Pedinomonas minor: Two radically different evolutionary patterns within green algae."
    Plant Cell 11:1717-1729   Abstract

    Gray MW, Burger G and Lang BF (1999)
    "Mitochondrial evolution." (invited review)
    Science 283:1476-1481   Abstract


    Lang BF, O'Kelly CJ and Burger G (1998)
    "Mitochondrial genomics in protists, an approach to probing eukaryotic evolution." (invited review)
    Protist 149:313-322

    Korab-Laskowska M, Rioux P, Brossard N, Littlejohn TG, Gray MW, Lang BF and Burger G (1998)
    "The Organelle Genome Database Project (GOBASE)."
    Nucleic Acids Res 26:139-144 Abstract

    Gray MW, Lang BF, Cedergren R, Golding B, Lemieux C, Sankoff D, Turmel M, Brossard N, Delage E, Littlejohn TG, Plante I, Rioux P, Saint-Louis D, Zhy Y and Burger G (1998)
    "Genome Structure and gene content in protist mitochondrial DNAs."
    Nucleic Acids Res 26:865-887 Abstract


    Lang BF, Burger G, O'Kelly CJ, Cedergren RJ, Golding B, Lemieux C, Sankoff S, Turmel M and Gray MW (1997)
    "An ancestral mitochondrial DNA resembling a eubacterial genome in miniature."
    Nature 387:493-497 Abstract


    Chesnick JM, Tuxbury K, Coleman A, Burger G and Lang BF (1996)
    "Utility of the mitochondrial nad4L gene for algal and protistan phylogenetic analysis."
    J Phycol 32:452-456 Abstract

    Burger G, Lang BF, Reith M and Gray MW (1996)
    "Genes encoding the same three subunits of respiratory complex II are present in the mitochondrial DNA of two phylogenetically distant eukaryotes."
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93:2328-2332 Abstract


    Burger G, Plante I, Lonergan KM, Gray MW (1995)
    "The mitochondrial DNA of the amoeboid protozoon, Acanthamoeba castellanii. Complete sequence, gene content and genome organization."
    J Mol Biol 245:522-537 Abstract


    Wolff G, Plante I, Lang BF, Kuck U and Burger G (1994)
    "Complete sequence of the mitochondrial DNA of the chlorophyte alga Prototheca wickerhamii. Gene content and genome organization."
    J Mol Biol 237:74-86 Abstract

    Jabaji-Hare SH, Burger G, Forget L and Lang BF (1994)
    "Extrachromosomal plasmids in the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani."
    Curr Genetics 25:423-431 Abstract


    Wolff G, Burger G, Lang BF and Kuck U (1993)
    "Mitochondrial genes in the colorless alga Prototheca wickerhamii resemble plant genes in their exons but fungal genes in their introns."
    Nucleic Acids Res 21:719-726 Abstract


    Burger G, Strauss J, Scazzocchio C and Lang BF (1991)
    "nirA, the pathway-specific regulatory gene of nitrate assimilation in Aspergillus nidulans encodes a putative GAL4-type zinc-finger protein and contains 4 introns in highly conserved regions."
    Mol Cell Biol 11:5746-5755 Abstract

    Daboussi M-J, Langin T, Deschamps F, Brygoo Y, Scazzocchio C and Burger G (1991)
    "Heterologous expression of the Aspergillus nidulans regulatory gene nirA in Fusarium oxysporum."
    Gene 109:155-160 Abstract

    Burger G, Tilburn J and Scazzocchio C (1991)
    "Molecular cloning and functional characterization of the pathway specific regulatory gene nirA, controlling nitrate assimilation in Aspergillus nidulans."
    Mol Cell Biol 11:795-802 Abstract

    1990 and before

    Lang BF and Burger G (1990)
    "A rapid, high resolution DNA sequencing gel system."
    Anal Biochem 188:176-180 Abstract

    Lang BF and Burger G (1986)
    "A collection of programs for nucleic acid and protein analysis, written in FORTRAN 77 for IBM-PC compatible microcomputers."
    Nucleic Acids Res 14:455-65 Abstract

    Burger G and Werner S (1986)
    "Mitochondrial gene URFN gene of Neurospora crassa codes for a long polypeptide witha highly repetitive structure."
    J Mol Biol 191:589-599. Abstract

    Lang BF and Burger G (1986)
    "A collection of programs for nucleic acid and protein analysis, written in Fortran 77 for IBM compatible microcomputers."
    Nucl Acids Res 14:455-465. Abstract

    Burger G and Werner S (1985)
    "The mitochondrial URF1 gene in Neurospora crassa has a novel type of intronic URF." (GIY-YIG)
    J Mol Biol 186:231-242. Abstract

    Burger G, Helmer-Citterich M, Nelson MA, Werner S and Macino G (1985)
    "Processing in Neurospora crassa mitochondria: Transfer RNAs punctuate a large precursor transcript."
    EMBO J 4:197-204. Abstract

    Burger G and Hofner E (1984)
    "Cytochrome b of cob revertants in yeast. 2. Bioenergetic characterization of revertants with reduced content and shifted maximum absorption wavelength of cytochrome b."
    Eur J Biochem 141:299-304. Abstract

    Burger G (1984)
    "Cytochrome b of cob revertants in yeast. 1. Isolation and characterization of revertants derived from cob exon mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae."
    Molec Gen Genet 196:158-166. Abstract

    Burger G, Scriven C, Machleidt W and Werner S (1982)
    "Subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase from Neurospora crassa: Nucleotide sequence of the coding gene and partial amino acid sequence of the protein."
    EMBO J 1:1385-139. Abstract

    Del Giudice L, Wolf K, Seitz G, Burger G, Lang BF and Kaudewitz F (1977)
    "Extrachromosomal inheritance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. III. Isolation and characterization of paromomycin-resistant mutants."
    Mol Gen Genet 152:319-24. Abstract

    Lang BF, Burger G, Doxiadis I, Thomas DY, Bandlow and Kaudewitz F (1977)
    "A simple method for the large-scale preparation of mitochondria from microorganisms."
    Anal Biochem 77:110-121. Abstract

    Burger G, Lang BF, Bandlow W, Schweyen R, Backhaus B and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "Antimycin resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a new mutation on the mitDNA conferring antimycin resistance on the mitochondrial respiratory chain."
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 72:1201-1208. Abstract

    Wolf K, Lang BF, Burger G. and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "Extrachromosomal inheritance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. II. Evidence for extrakaryotically inherited respiratory deficient mutants."
    Mol Gen Genet 144:75-81. Abstract

    Wolf K, Burger G, Lang BF and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "Extrachromosomal inheritance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. I. Evidence for an extrakaryotically inherited mutation conferring resistance to antimycin."
    Mol Gen Genet 144:67-73. Abstract

    Lang, Burger G, Wolf K, Bandlow W and Kaudewitz F (1975)
    "Studies on the mechanism of electron trasport in the bc1-segment of the respiratory chain in yeast. III. Isolation and characterization of an antimycin resistant mutant ANT 8 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe."
    Mol Gen Genet 137:353-63. Abstract

    Burger G, Lang BF, Bandlow W and Kaudewitz F (1975)
    "Studies on the mechanism of electron transport in the bc1-segment of the respiratory chain in yeast. II. The binding of antimycin to mitochondrial particles and the function of two different binding sites."
    Biochim Biophys Acta 396:187-201. Abstract

    Lang BF, Burger G and Bandlow W (1974)
    "Activity of reduced ubiquinone: cytochrome c oxidoreductase with various ubiquinol-isoprenologues as substrate and corresponding inhibitory effect of antimycin in yeast."
    Biochim Biophys Acta 368:71-85. Abstract

Invited book chapters

    Faktorova D, Valach M, Kaur B, Burger G, Lukes J (2018)
    "Mitochondrial RNA editing and processing in diplonemids."
    In: RNA Metabolism in Mitochondria, book series "Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology" (eds J.Cruz-Reyes, MW. Gray), Springer Nature, ISBN: 9783319781891, pp.145-176.   Preface and table of contents

    Burger G, Lang BL (2012)
    "Mitochondrial and eukaryotic origins: a critical review."
    In: Advances in Botanical Research. (L. Marechal-Drouard, ed.). Academic Press, Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp.1-20

    Nedelcu A, Burger G (2012)
    "Mitochondrial genomes of algae."
    In: Genomics of chloroplasts and mitochondria, Series: Advances in photosynthesis and respiration (R. Bock, V. Knoop, eds), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany. pp.127-157

    Burger G, Jackson CJ, Waller RF (2012)
    "Unusual mitochondrial genomes and genes."
    In: Organelle Genetics 2012, Part 2: evolution of organelle genomes and gene expression (C. Bullerwell, ed), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany, p. 41-77. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-22380-8_3

    Rodríguez-Ezpeleta N, Teijeiro S, Forget L, Burger G and Lang BF (2009)
    "Construction of cDNA libraries from Protists and Fungi."
    In: Expressed sequence tags - generation and analysis, Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 533 (J. Parkinson, ed.), Humana Press, Totowa, USA, pp.33-47   Abstract

    Shen YQ, O'Brien E, Koski L, Lang BF and Burger G (2009)
    "EST databases and Web tools for EST projects."
    In: Expressed sequence tags - generation and analysis, Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 533 (J. Parkinson, ed.), Humana Press, Totowa, USA, pp.241-256   Abstract

    Lang BF, Lavrov D and Burger G (2003)
    "Mitochondrial Genome Evolution."
    In: Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Vol.3 (WJ. Lennarz, MD. Lande, eds), Academic Press/Elsevier Science, San Diego, Calif., pp.703-707 (refereed)

    Nip A, Liu L, Seif C, Lang BF and Burger G (2000)
    "MAPIT - a semi-automated approach to the representation of genetic maps."
    In: Comparative genomics: Empirical and analytical approaches to gene order dynamics, map alignment and the evolution of gene families (D.Sankoff and J.H. Nadeau, eds.), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp.149-161 (refereed)

    Gray MW, Lemieux C, Burger G, Lang BF, Otis C, Plante I and Turmel M (1998)
    "Mitochondrial genome organization and evolution within the green algae and land plants."
    In: Plant Mitochondria: From Gene to Function. Moeller IM, Gardestroem P, Glmelius K, Glaser E (eds), Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.1-8

    Wolff G, Lang BF, Kuck U and Burger G (1993)
    "The mitochondrial genome of Prototheca wickerhamii."
    In: Genetic Maps 1993. Brian SJ (ed), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, pp. 2.172

    Burger G (1985)
    "Unassigned reading frames in the mitochondrial DNA of N. crassa."
    In: Biogenesis, Achievements and perspectives of mitochondrial research. Volume II. E. Quagliariello et al. (eds), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 305-316

    Burger G and Werner S (1983)
    "Nucleotide sequence and transcript mapping of a mtDNA segment comprising CO1, tRNA(arg) and several unidentified open reading frames in N. crassa."
    In: Mitochondria 83, Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions. Schweyen RJ, Wolf K and Kaudewitz F, (eds), Walther de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, pp. 331-341

    Burger G, Lang BF, Backhaus B, Wolf K, Bandlow W and Kaudewitz F (1977)
    "Mutations to drug-resistance in the cob region of the mitochondrial genome."
    In: Mitochondria 1977, Genetics and Biogenesis of Mitochondria, W. Bandlow et al., (eds), Walter de Gruyter Berlin-New York, pp. 205-212

    Lang BF, Burger G, Bandlow W, Kaudewitz F and Schweyen RJ (1976)
    "Antimycin- and Funiculosin-resistant mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: new markers on the mitochondrial DNA."
    In: Genetics and Biogenesis of Chloroplast and Mitochondria, TH Bücher et al. (eds), Elsevier/North Holland biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 461-465

    Wolf K, Seitz G, Lückemann G, Lang BF, Burger G, Bandlow W and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "Extrachromosomal inheritance in a petite-negative yeast - Schizosaccharomyces pombe."
    In: Genetics and biogenesis of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria, Th Bücher et al. (eds), Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 497-801

    Wolf K, Seitz G, Lang BF, Burger G and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "Extrachromosomal inheritance of drug resistance and respiratory deficiency in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe."
    In: Genetics, Biogenesis and Bioenergetics of Mitochondria, W Bandlow et al. (eds), Walter de Gruyter Berlin-New York, pp. 23-27

    Lang BF, Burger G, Wolf K, Bandlow W and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "Characterization of respiratory-deficient and Antimycin resistant mutants of Schizsaccharomyces pombe with extrachromosomal inheritance."
    In: Genetics, Biogenesis and Bioenergetics of Mitochondria. Bandlow W, Schweyen RJ, Wolf K, Kaudewitz F, (eds), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New-York, pp. 379-387

    Burger G, Lang BF, Wolf K and Kaudewitz F (1976)
    "The inhibitory effect of HQNO compared with extrareduction and binding in the wild-type and in an Antimycin resistant mutant, ANT 8, Schizosaccharomyces pombe."
    In: Genetics, Biogenesis and Bioenergetics of Mitochondria. Bandlow W, Schweyen RJ, Wolf K, Kaudewitz F, (eds), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New-York, pp. 399-407

Conference and workshop presentations (The presenter's name is marked by an asterisk).


    XIII International Vaccinium Symposium.
    Halifax, NS & Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, August 24-29, 2024.
    Contributed talk: "Beneficial microbes of cranberry plants."
    (Thimmappa BC*, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Turcotte M, Lang BF, Burger G).

    Computational Approaches to RNA Structure and Function.
    Benasque, Spain, July 21-August 3, 2024.
    Invited workshop talk: "Evolution of mitochondrial rRNAs."
    (Burger G*).

    32nd Fungal Genetics Conference 2024.
    Asilomar Conference Grounds Pacific Grove, California, USA, March 12-17, 2024.
    Contributed poster: "Endophytic fungi as biofertilizing and biocontrol agents of cranberry plants."
    (Thimmappa BC*, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Turcotte M, Lang BF, Burger G).


    North American Cranberry Research and Extension Workers Conference – NACREW 2023.
    Absecon, New Jersey, USA, August 20-24, 2023.
    Invited talk & contributed poster: "Beneficial microbes living inside cranberry plants."
    (Thimmappa BC*, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Turcotte M, Lang BF, Burger G).

    Montreal RNA Salon 2023.
    Montreal, Canada, June 15, 2023.
    Talk: "In silico identification of PPR proteins."
    (LeSieur FA*, Burger G).

    37th Annual Sympostium of the Protein Society.
    Boston, MA, USA, June 13-16, 2023.
    Contributed poster: "The search for the hypothetical RNA joinosome."
    (Tarabuta R*, Valach M, Aguilar LC, Oeffinger M, Burger G).

    Association Canadienne-Francaise pour l'Avancement du Savoir (ACFAS) Congrès 2023.
    Montreal, Canada, Mai 8-12, 2023. Colloque ARN et médecine moléculaire.
    Contributed poster: "Le joinosome, nouveau complexe d'epissage de l'ARN."
    (Tarabuta R*, Valach M, Burger G).

    16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2023.
    Innsbruck, Austria, Mar 5-8, 2023.
    Contributed talk & poster #1: "Cranberry plant growth promotion by a fungal endosymbiont."
    Contributed poster #2:"Endophytic fungi as biocontrol agents of cranberry-plant pathogens."
    (Thimmappa BC*, Sahli L, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante P, Turcotte M, Lang BF, Burger G).

    Journée scientifique Simon-Pierre Noel 2023.
    Montreal, QC, Canada, 28 Feb, 2023.
    Contributed talk: "Identification in silico d'une nouvelle famille de protéines liant l'ARN."
    (Le Sieur FA*, Burger G).

    International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP), Virtual Meeting 2023.
    Online, Jan 19-20, 2023.
    Contributed talk: "Recent expansion of metabolic versatility in Diplonema papillatum, the model species of a highly speciose group of marine eukaryotes."
    (Valach M* et al., Burger G).


    Montreal RNA Salon.
    Montreal, QC, Canada, Dec 15, 2022.
    Contributed talk: "Differential transcriptome expression in a symbiotic fungus."
    (Thimmappa BC*, Salhi LN, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante Villalobos P, Lang BF, Burger G).

    XXIII International Fungal Biology Conference (IFBC) 2022.
    San Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Sept 25-29, 2022.
    Contributed talk & poster: "Secrete life inside plants: the role of fungal endosymbionts."
    (Thimmappa BC*, Salhi LN, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Bustamante Villalobos P, Lang BF, Burger G).

    ACFAS Congrès 2022.
    Montreal, Canada, Mai 8-12, 2022.
    Contributed talk: "RNA trans-splicing complex in the mitochondria of Diplonema".
    (Tarabuta R*, Valach M, Oeffinger M, Aguilar MC, Burger G).

    Rencontre Louis-Philippe Bouthillier 2022 - Retreat of the Biochemistry Department, Université de Montréal.
    Orford, QC, Canada, May 5-6, 2022.
    Contributed talk: "Le joinosome, nouveau complexe de l'épissage d'ARN chez un micro-eucaryote."
    (Tarabuta R*, Valach M, Burger G).

    2021 - the year of Covid


    RNA2020 - 25th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, Virtual Event.
    Online, May 26-31, 2020.
    Poster: "Unexpectedly complex mitoribosomes in Andalucia godoyi, a protist with the most bacteria-like mitochondrial genome."
    (Valach M*, Gonzalez Alcazar JA, Sarrasin M, Lang BF, Gray MW, Burger G).

    CANCELLED: International Society for Evolutionary Protistology/International Society of Protistologists (ISEP-ISOP) joint Conference 2020
    Cancun, Mexico, May 31-Jun 4, 2020.
    Poster/Talk: "Diplonemids: metabolism and beyond."
    (Butenko A*, Opperdoes FR, Horak A, Williams T, Petitjean C, Burger G, Lukes J).

    CANCELLED: Annual conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) 2020.
    Quebec City, QC, Canada, Jun 28-Jul 2, 2020.
    Invited talk: "Evolution at warp speed of mitochondrial genomes from the micro-eukaryotes Diplonemida."
    (Burger G*, Valach M, Kaur B, Zahonova K, Faktorova D, Prokopchuk G, Lukes J).

    CANCELLED: XII International Vaccinium Symposium 2020.
    Halifax, NS, Canada, Aug 29-Sep 3, 2020.
    Poster or Talk #1: "Use of symbiotic microorganisms to improve growth, productivity and quality of cranberries grown in Quebec."
    (Diop M*, Bregard A, Forget L, Salhi LN, Lang BF, Burger G, Dorais M).
    Poster or Talk #2: "Potential cranberry protection via interactions between endophytes."
    (Salhi LN*, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Burger G, Lang BF).


    North American Cranberry Researcher and Extension Workers Conference (Nacrew) 2019.
    Vancouver, Canada, Aug 18-21, 2019.
    Talk: "Biodiversity and symbiotic microbes in cranberry."
    (Salhi LN*, Forget L, Burger G, Lang BF).

    EMBO Workshop on Comparative genomics of eukaryotic microbes: Genomes in flux, and flux between genomes, 2019.
    San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 14-19 Oct, 2019.
    Talk: "Gene fragmentation and RNA editing without borders: eccentric mitochondrial genomes of diplonemids."
    (Kaur B, Zahonova K*, Valach M, Faktorova D, Prokopchuk G, Burger G, Lukes J).

    International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis (ICES) 2019.
    Lille, France, Sept 1-5, 2019.
    Talk: "The deep eukaryote comparative genome project including jakobids and malawimonads: developing improved gene annotation and ncRNA finding methodology."
    (Sarrasin M, Burger G, Lang BF*).

    VIII European Congress of Protistology ECOP-ISOP Joint meeting 2019.
    Rome, Italy, July 28-Aug 2, 2019.
    Talk #1: "Exploring the deep evolutionary history of phagotrophic euglenids with single-cell transcriptomics."
    (Lax G*, Kolisko M, Eglit Y, Lee WJ, Burger G, Keeling P, Simpson AGB).
    Talk #2: "Diplonema papillatum, a representative of the highly diverse and abundant marine microeukaryotes, can be genetically manipulated."
    (Kaur B*, Faktorova D, Valach M, Burger G, Lukes J).

    Congrè nord-américain de la canneberge 2019. Association des Producteurs de Canneberges du Quebec (apcq).
    Quebec City, March 25-26, 2019.
    Invited talk: "Les mycorhizes pour améliorer le régime racinaire des plants / Using Mycorrhizae to Improve Plant Root Development."
    (Lang BF*, Salhi LN, Forget L, Burger G).


    ASCB | EMBO 2018 meeting.
    San Diego, CA, USA, December 8-12, 2018.
    Poster: "Successful transformation of Diplonema papillatum - the type species of the most diverse marine protists diplonemids."
    (Faktorova D*, Kaur B, Graf L, Valach M, Burger G, Lukes J).

    Interdisciplinary Science Workshop.
    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, November 15, 2018.
    Invited talk: "Underlying philosophy and challenges in designing trans-disciplinary training program. Example: bioinformatics."
    (Burger G*).

    1er symposium sur le MICROBIOTE.
    Université de Montréal, Medical Faculty, Montreal, QC, Canada, November 2, 2018.
    Invited talk: "Lessons from the analysis of plant microbiomes - a bioinformatics/genomics approach."
    (Salhi LN, Forget L, Sarrasin M, Burger G, Lang BF*).

    Gene Ontology Workshop.
    Montreal, QC, Canada, October 16, 2018.
    Talk: "Plant-microbe interactions at the molecular level."
    (C Thimmappa B*, Burger G).

    Computational Approaches to RNA Structure and Function.
    Benasque, Spain, July 16-27, 2018.
    Talk: "Spliceosomal introns in 'primitive' unicellular flagellates."
    (Sarrasin M, Burger G, Lang BF*).

    XXII meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology.
    Droushia, Cyprus, May 27-June 01, 2018.
    Talk #1: "Eccentricities of mitochondrial genomes across diplonemids."
    (Valach M, Kaur B, Moreira S, Faktorova D, Lukes J, Burger G*).
    Talk #2: "Comparative analysis of jakobid, malawimonad and ancyromonad nuclear genomes."
    (Sarrasin M, Derelle R, Burger G, Lang BF*).

    Journée de formation agricole.
    Ferme Bieler, St Louis de Blandford, QC, Canada, April 16, 2018.
    Invited talk: "Le microbiome de la canneberge."
    (Salhi LN, Forget L, Burger G, Lang BF*).


    Journeée de la recherche à l'ARN of the Biochemistry Department, UdeM.
    Montreal QC, Canada, Dec 15 2017.
    Invited talk: "Decryption of hidden genes at the transcript level."
    (Burger G*, Valach M, Moreira S).

    22e édition des Journées Horticoles et Grandes Cultures (JHGC): Petits fruits.
    St-Rémi QC, Canada, Dec 6, 2017. organized by MAPAQ.
    Invited talk:"Tirer profit du microbiome du sol."
    (Lang BF*, Salhi LN, Forget L, Burger G).

    31e Congrès annuel de l'Association québécoise de spécialistes en sciences du sol (AQSSS): Valorisation des sols et biodiversité.
    Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, May 30-Jun 1, 2017.
    Invited talk: "Biodiversité et microbes symbiotes : le cas de la canneberge."
    (Lang BF*, Salhi LN, Forget L, Burger G).

    Minisymposium on mitochondria, University of Helsinki, HiLIFE Lifesciences Institute.
    Helsinki, Finland, Aug 14, 2017.
    Invited talk: "Decryption of hidden genes at the transcript level."
    (Burger G*, Valach M, Moreira S).

    31st Annual Symposium of the Protein Society.
    Montreal, Canada, Jul 24-27, 2017.
    Poster: "The mitoribosome of a primitive eukaryote."
    (Gonzalez J*, Valach M, Burger G).

    30th Annual Meeting on The Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSH).
    Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA, May 9-13, 2017.
    Contributed talk: "Gene encryption in the mitochondrial genome of diplonemids."
    (Moreira S*, Valach M, Burger G)

    115th International Titisee Conference.
    Titisee, Germany, Mar 29-2 Apr, 2017.
    Invited talk: "Ingenious genome structures and innovative modes of gene expression in mitochondria."
    (Burger G*, Moreira S, Valach M).
    Talk: "Translational hopping in yeast mitochondria."
    (Lang BF*, Jakubkova M, Hegedusova E, Daoud R, Forget L, Brejova B, Vinar T, Kosa P, Fricova D, Nebohacova M, Griac P, Tomaska L, Burger G, Nosek J).

    Innovation et progrès en agroalimentaire au centre du Quebec (INPACQ).
    Notre-Dame-Du-Bon-Conseil, QC, Canada, Feb 2, 2017.
    Invited talk: "Le microbiome de la canneberge."
    (Salhi L, Forget L, Burger G, Lang BF*).


    XXXI Congresso Nazionale Societa Italiana di Protistologia 2016.
    Pisa, Italy, 2016.
    Poster: "Genome analysis of an obligate bacterial endosymbiont of Paramecium."
    (Castelli M*, Lang BF, Burger G, Petroni G).

    69. Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana.
    Senigallia, Italy, Sep 22-25, 2016.
    Poster: "Genome analysis of the bacterial endosymbiont Holospora caryophila living in Paramecium."
    (Castelli M*, Lang BF, Burger G, Petroni G).

    Trajectoires de la Génétique 150 ans après Mendel, 2016. Colloquium of the Académie des Sciences.
    Paris, France, Sep 11-13, 2016.
    Invited talk: "Non-functional genes repaired at the RNA level."
    (Burger G*).

    Moscow, Russia, Jun 06-10, 2016.
    Invited talk (Hutner lecture): "New kids on the block."
    (Lukes J*, Flegontova O, Flegontov P, Faktorova D, Kaur B, Votypka J, Tashyreva D, Yabuki A, Malviya S, de Vargas C, Bowler C, Burger G, Horak A).

    EMBO|EMBL Symposium: A new age of discovery for aquatic microeukaryotes.
    Heidelberg, Germany, Jan 26-29, 2016.
    Selected short talk: "Cryptic mitochondrial genes in the aquatic microeukaryotes Diplonemea."
    (Burger G*, Moreira S, Valach M, Lukes J).


    EMBO Conference, Exploring the genomic complexity and diversity of eukaryotes, 2015.
    San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, Oct 19-24, 2015.
    Invited talk: "Gene scrambling repaired at the RNA level."
    (Burger G*, Valach M, Moreira S).

    Computational methods for RNA analysis, 2015.
    Benasque, Spain, Jul 19-31, 2015

    Gordon Research Conference, RNA editing, 2015.
    Lucca (Barga), Italy, Mar 8-13, 2015.
    Talk: "Two mechanistically different editing pathways act on diplonemid mitochondrial transcripts."
    (Valach M*, Moreira S, Burger G).
    Poster: "Diverse and widespread RNA editing in mitochondria of diplonemids: biological role and evolution."
    (Valach M*, Moreira S, Burger G).


    Bob's legacy: Symposium in Honor of the late Robert Cedergren.
    Montreal, Dec 19, 2014.
    Invited talk: "Descrambling genetic information at the RNA level."
    (Valach M, Moreira S, Burger G*).

    18th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseille (EBM).
    Marseille, France, Sep 16-19, 2014.
    Talk: "Gene camouflage by fragmentation, RNA editing and accelerated evolution in mitochondria of diplonemids."
    (Moreira S, Valach M, Burger G*).

    Recoding: Reprogramming genetic decoding. EMBO workshop.
    Killarney, Ireland, May 13-18, 2014.
    Invited talk: "Massive programmed translational jumping in mitochondria."
    (Lang BF, et al., Burger G, Nosek J*).
    Poster #1: "Comparative analysis of translational bypassing elements in yeast mitochondria."
    (Jakubkova et al., Burger G, Nosek J*).
    Poster #2: "Recoding at the RNA level."
    (Valach M, Moreira S, Burger G*).


    International Congress of Protistology (ICOP XIV).
    Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jul 28-Aug 02, 2013.
    Poster: "Extremely derived ribosomal RNA in the mitochondrial genome of Diplonema."
    (Valach M*, Moreira S, Kiethega GN, Burger G).

    8th International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology (ICPMB2013).
    Rosario, Argentina, May 12-16, 2013.
    Invited talk: "The most bacteria-like mitochondrial genomes."
    (Burger G*, Gray MW, Lang BF).


    9th International Phytotechnology Society (IPS) Conference
    Diepenbeek, Belgium, Sep 11-14, 2012
    Invited talk: "Environmental genomics of willows and microorganisms applied to the decontamination of abandoned industrial sites."
    (Labrecque M*, Lang BF, Hijri M, Almeida-Rodriquez A, Andre P, Bourdel G, Burger G, et al)

    Computational methods for RNA analysis, 2012.
    Benasque, Spain, Jul 21-Aug 04, 2012

    Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution (SMBE 2012).
    Dublin, Ireland, Jun 23-26, 2012.
    Poster: "Identification of an elusive trans-splicing machinery."
    (Moreira S, Breton S, Valach M, Kiethega GN, Aoulad Aissa M, Turcotte M, Burger G*)


    EMBO/FEMS Conference, Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms, 2011.
    San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, Oct 15-20, 2011.
    Invited talk: "Discontinous genes encoding contiguous proteins."
    (Burger G*, Kiethega GN, Yan Y)

    Joint conference of Poplar Council of Canada, IPC Environmental Applications Working Party, and Poplar Council of the United States, 2011.
    Edmonton Alberta, Canada, Sep 18-24, 2011.
    Invited talk: "Improving bioremediation of polluted soils through environmental genomics."
    (Labrecque M*, Pitre F, Joly M, St-Arnaud M, Hiri M, Lang BF, Burger G, Courchesne F, Jabajii S, Konstantinos A, Greer C, Yergau E)

    Journees Ouvertes en Bioinformatique et Mathematique (JOBIM 2011).
    Paris, France, Institute Pasteur, Jun 28-1 Jul, 2011.
    Talk: "NGS: Neglected Genome Sequencing. Assembly and annotation challenges in a highly divergent protozoan genome."
    (Moreira S*, Turcotte M, Burger G).

    International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology (ICPMB 2011).
    Hohenroda, Germany, May 14-19, 2011.
    Poster: "Novel trans-splicing and RNA editing."
    (Yan Y, Kiethega GN, Malekpour A, Turcotte M, Burger G*)

    Gordon Research Conference, RNA editing, 2011.
    Galveston, TX, USA, Jan 9-14, 2011.
    Poster: "Novel RNA editing - process associated with trans-splicing."
    (Yan Y, Kiethega GN, Malekpour A, Turcotte M, Burger G*)


    Conference Piotr Slonimski - from mitochondria to genomes.
    Gif s/Yvette, France, Jul 8, 2010.
    Invited talk: "Eccentric mitochondrial genomes."
    (Burger G*)

    Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2010).
    Lyon, France, Jul 4-8, 2010.
    Poster: "Unscrambling modularized genetic information."
    (Burger G*, Kiethega GN, Yan Y, Teijeiro S)

    Portugaliae Genetica, 2010.
    Porto, Portugal, Mar 18-19, 2010.
    Invited talk: "Experimental and in silico analysis of post-transcriptional processes in mitochondria."
    (Burger G*)


    EMBO Conference, Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms, 2009.
    San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, Oct 18-22, 2009.
    Invited talk: "Unconventional gene structure and gene expression discovered in mitochondria."
    (Burger G*)

    Computational methods for RNA analysis, 2009.
    Benasque, Spain, Jul 26-Aug 08, 2009
    Chalk talk: "Modeling RNA motifs involved in RNA editing and trans-splicing of diplonemids."
    (Burger G*)

    Gordon Research Conference, RNA editing, 2009.
    Galveston, TX, USA, Jan 11-16, 2009.
    Invited talk: "Coupling RNA editing with trans-splicing."
    (Burger G*)
    Poster: "RNA editing and trans-splicing in the mitochondrial genome of diplonemids."
    (Kiethega GN, Yan Y, Teijeiro S, Burger G*)


    International Forum Science et Société 2008.
    Montreal, QC, Nov 14-16, 2008.
    Invited talk in Workshop "Émergence de la vie."
    (Burger G*)

    Protist 2008 (ISOP 59; ISEP XVII).
    Halifax, NC, Jul 21-26, 2008.
    Poster: "Mitochondrial genome organization in diplonemids."
    (Kiethega GN*, Teijeiro S, Roy J, Burger G)

    Mitochondria, Ribosomes and Cells: Symposium in Honor of Michael W. Gray.
    Halifax, NC, Jul 3-4, 2008.
    Invited talk: "Evolution of U-indel RNA editing in mitochondria - testable hypotheses."
    (Burger G*)

    Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE08).
    Barcelona, Spain, Jun 5-8, 2008.
    Poster: "Complex genome and gene organization in Euglenozoa."
    (Burger G*, Kiethega GN, Teijeiro S)

    CIFAR Integrated Microbial Biodiversity General Program Meeting.
    Lac Carling, QC, May 6-10, 2008.
    Invited talk: "Warum einfach wenns auch kompliziert geht - unconventional gene expression in diplonemid mitochondria."
    (Burger G*)


    EST-EMBO Symposium on Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Eukaryotic Genome Evolution.
    San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, Oct 20-25, 2007.
    Talk: "Novel genome architecture and gene structure in mitochondria of unicellular eukaryotes."
    (Burger G*)

    Gordon Conference on Structural, Functional & Evolutionary Genomics.
    Hixton, Cambridge UK, Jul 29-Aug 3, 2007.
    Poster: "Novel gene expression in Diplonema mtDNA."
    (Marande W, Teijeiro S, Burger G*)

    Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE07).
    Halifax, NS, Jun 24-28, 2007.
    Poster: "A genomic jigsaw puzzle:gene pieces scattered over hundred chromosomes in diplonemid mitochondria."
    (Marande W, Teijeiro S, Burger G*)

    Human Genome Meeting HGM2007.
    Montreal, May 21-24, 2007.
    Talk: "Unorthodox genome and gene structures in mitochondria of trypanosome pathogens and their relatives."
    (Burger G*)

    2nd ASM conference on Integrating Metabolism and Genomics (IMAGE2).
    Montreal, Apr 30-May 3, 2007.
    Poster 1: "TBestDB: a taxonomically-broad EST database."
    (Lang, BF*, O'Brien, EM, Marie, V, Wang, S, Zhang, Y, Burger G).
    Poster 2: "In silico identification of the mitochondrial proteome reveals dual localization of beta oxidation in Rhizopus oryzae."
    (Shen Y*, Burger G)

    FEBS Advanced Course on the Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts.
    Acquafreddo-di-Mare, Italy, Apr 24-29, 2007.
    Invited talk: "Novel mitochondrial gene structures."
    (Burger G*, Marande W, Roy J, Teijeiro S)

    Society for integrative and comparative biology (SICB) meeting 2007.
    Phoenix, AZ, USA, Jan 3-7, 2007.
    Invited talk: "The evolutionary transition from protists to metazoa."
    (Liu Y, Stennkamp E, Darmon D, Burger G, Lang BF*)


    EMBO Conference on Protein Transport Systems: Protein Targeting and Translocation.
    Gdansk, Poland, Sep 30-Oct 5, 2006.
    Poster #1: "In silico identification of nucleus-encoded mitochondrial proteins using EST data."
    (Shen Y*, Burger G)
    Poster #2: "Improving the prediction of mitochondrial proteins via the integration of available tools for subcellular localization."
    (Shen Y*, Burger G)

    Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2006).
    Fortaleza, Brazil, Aug 6-10, 2006.
    Poster: "Evaluation of ORF function predictions using domain-specific knowledge."
    (Kannan S*, Burger G)

    16th Meeting of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP XVI).
    Wroclaw, Poland, Aug 1-5, 2006.
    Invited talk: "Jigsaw genes in mitochondria of kinetoplastids' sistergroup."
    (Burger G)

    56th annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists/49th annual meeting of the Genetics Society of Canada.
    London, Ont, Jun 18-21, 2006.
    Invited talk: "The Protist EST Program: An exploration of genetic diversity and evolution within the world of eukaryotic microbes."
    (Gray MW*, Burger G, Durnford, DG, Keeling PJ, Lang BF, Lee RW, Pearlman RE, Roger AJ)

    COST B-22 Expert Meeting 2006.
    Prag, Czech Republic, Jun 5-7, 2006
    Invited Talk: "An update on kinetoplast DNA structure and replication and the evolution of mitochondrial genome in Euglenozoa."
    (Lukes J*, Roy J, Faktorova D, Marande W, Burger G)

    Congres de la Societé canadienne d'Écologie et d'Évolution.
    Montreal, QC, Apr 3-4, 2006.
    Poster 1: "Comparative analysis of gender-associated, complete mitochondrial genomes in marine mussles (Mytilus ssp.).
    (Breton S*, Burger G, Stewart DT, and Blier PU)
    Poster 2: "New insights into the evolution of mitochondrial genome structure in Euglenozoa."
    (Roy J*, Marande W, Faktorova D*, Lukes J, Burger G)


    EST-EMBO symposium on Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms (2005).
    Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, Nov 12-17, 2005.
    Poster:"Evolution of mitochondrial genome structure in Euglenozoa: New insights."
    (Roy J, Marande W, Faktorova D, Lukes J, Burger G*)

    WorldCongress of Cellular and Molecular Biology (2005).
    Poitiers, France, Oct 9-12, 2005.
    Invited talk: "Specialized biological databases, value and challenges."
    (Burger G*)

    19th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Tgh-Na-Mara Resort, Parksville BC, Canada, Sep 15-19, 2005.
    Poster:"Evolution of mitochondrial genome and gene structure in Euglenozoa."
    (Roy J, Marande W, Lukes J, Burger G*)

    European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2005).
    Madrid, Spain, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2005.
    Poster:"In silico identification of nucleus-encoded mitochondrial proteins using EST data."
    (Shen Y*, Burger G)

    Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2005).
    Michigan, USA, Jun 25-29, 2005.
    Poster:"Data rich but information poor: Applying data mining for protein function annotation."
    (Kannan S*, Burger G)

    International Congress on Plant Mitochondrial Biology (ICPM 2005).
    Obernai, France, May 28-2 Jun, 2005.
    Invited Talk:"How many genes are required to infer deep phylogenies - the call for phylogenomics."
    (Lang, BF*, Rodriguez-Espeleta N, Burger G, Brinkmann H, Philippe H).
    Poster:"Monophyly of primary photosynthetic eukaryotes: green plants, red algae and glaucophytes."
    (Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, Brinkmann H, Burey SC, Roure B, Burger G*, Loeffelhardt W, Bohnert H, Philippe H, Lang BF)

    Annual Meeting of Northeast Algal Society.
    Rockport, Maine, Apr 15-17, 2005.
    Invited Talk:"Protist EST database: automated annotation and data representation."
    (Burger G*, Lang, BF, Koski L, O'Brien E).
    Poster:"Mitochondrial genome diversity across Euglenozoa."
    (Roy J*, Burger G)

    Workshop on Computational Biology in the Post-genomic Era.
    Montreal, QC, Canada, Mar 19-20, 2005.
    Invited Talk:" Bioinformatics challenges in comparative genomics research."
    (Burger G*).

    15th Meeting of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP XV).
    Melbourne, Australia, Jan 30-February 3, 2005.
    Invited Talk:"Novel mitochondrial genome structure in diplonemids, the siter group of kinetoplastids."
    Marande W*, Burger G)


    Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Protozoology.
    Yamaguchi, JP, Nov 19-21, 2004.
    Invited Talk: "On the origin of mitochondria: From endosymbiont to organelle."
    (Burger G*).

    Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2004).
    Glasgow, UK, Jul 30-Aug 4, 2004.
    Poster #1:"In silico approach to RNA editing."
    (Kleinman C*, Burger G)
    Poster #2: "The PEPdb database."
    (O'Brien E*, Zhang Y, Yang LS, Wang E ,Lang BF, Burger G)
    Poster #3: "Analysis of structure and history of complex repetitive genome regions."
    (Hauth A*, Burger G, Lang, BF)
    Poster #4: "Automated functional annotation of protist ESTs."
    (Koski L*,Lang, BF, Burger G)

    Colloque bioinformatique.
    Aurillac, France, Jun 14-15, 2004.
    Invited Talk:"Biological databases in the genomics era."
    (Burger G*)


    MITACS Quebec Interchange. The Mathematics of Data Mining.
    Montreal, Nov 13-14, 2003.
    Invited Talk:"Bioinformatics at the Université de Montréal."
    (Burger G*)
    Poster:"Gene function annotation: A predictive data mining approach."
    (Kannan S*, Burger G)

    HUPO 2nd annual & IUBMB XIX Joint World Congress.
    Montreal, Oct 8-11, 2003.
    Invited Talk:"Diversity and evolution of mitochondrial genome architecture and information content."
    (Burger G*, Gray, MW, Lang BF)
    Poster 1: "AnaBench: A Web-Corba-based workbench for biomolecular sequence analysis and annotation."
    (Badidi E, Lang BF, Burger G*)
    Poster 2: "Gene function annotation: Predictive data mining approach." (Kannan S, Burger G*)

    National Genomics and Proteomics Symposium.
    Toronto, Sep 25-26, 2003.
    Invited Talk:"The Protist EST Program." (Burger G*, MW. Gray)

    FEBS Advanced Course on the Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts.
    Hvar, Croatia, Apr 5-10, 2003.
    Invited Talk:"Genome Evolution in Mitochondria and Bacterial Symbionts."
    (Burger G*, Marx, S, Lang BF)
    Poster:"Identification of ORFs from organelle genomes using a data mining approach."
    (Kannan S*, Burger G)

    11th International Conference on Microbial Genomes.
    Durham, NC, USA, Sep 28-Oct 2, 2003.
    Invited Talk:"Evolution of the mitochondrial genome: A study in extraordinary sturctural variation."
    (Gray MW*, Burger G, Lang BF)


    European Conference for Computational Biology (ECCB 2002).
    Saarbruecken. Germany, Oct 6-9, 2002.
    Poster:"Identification of ORFs from organelle genomes: A data mining approach using C4.5 machine learning algorithm."
    (Kannan S*, Burger G)

    16th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Harrison Hot Springs, BC, Canada, Sep 28-Oct 2, 2002.
    Talk:"Phylogenetic position of jakobids based on complete mtDNA sequence data."
    (Lang BF*, Burger G, Gray MW)

    Annual Graduate Research Conference. Concordia University.
    Montreal, QC, Canada, Sep 27-28, 2002.
    Poster:"Identification of ORFs from organelle genomes: A data mining approach."
    (Kannan S*, Boucher G, Burger G)

    Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2002).
    Edmonton, Al, Canada, Aug 3-7, 2002.
    Poster:"Identification of ORFs from organelle genomes: A data mining approach."
    (Kannan S*, Boucher G, Burger G)

    14th Meeting of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP XIV).
    Vancouver, BC Canada, Jun 19-22, 2002.
    Invited talk:"Phylogeny of primitive mitochondriate eukaryotes: The jakobid flagellates."
    (Lang BF*, Burger G, Gray, MW)
    Poster:"Characterization of the mitochondrial DNA of Diplonema papillatum."
    (Marande W*, Tremblay D, Lukes J, Burger G)

    The Sixth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (Recomb 2002).
    Washington DC, USA, Apr 18-21, 2002.
    Poster:"Building a genome database using an object-oriented approach."
    Barbasiewicz A*, Liu L, Lang BF and Burger G)

    Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Evolution (2002).
    Ventura CA, USA, Jan 13-18, 2002.
    Invited talk:"Primitive eukaryotes from a mitochondrial genomics perspective."
    (Burger G*, Gray MW and Lang BF)


    Prospects for Protist Genomics.The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR).
    Washington DC, USA, December 11-13, 2001.
    Invited talk: "PEP, the Protist EST Program."
    (Lang BF*, Gray MW, Burger G)

    15th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Val_David, QC, Canada, Oct 10-14, 2001.
    Talk:"Did DRIPs diverge before, simultaneouly, or after the animal/fungi split"?
    (Burger G*, Lang BF, Gray MW)

    German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2001).
    Braunschweig, Germany, Oct 7-10, 2001.
    Poster:"Building genome databases using an object-oriented approach."
    (Barbasiewicz A*, Liu L, Lang BF, N Shimko and Burger G)

    7th International Phycological Congress (IPC 2001).
    Thessaloniki, Greece, Aug 18-25, 2001.
    Invited talk:"Organelle genomes and the evolutionary history of the stramenopiles."
    (Burger G*, Gray MW, Lang BF)

    5th Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2001).
    Montreal, Que, Canada, Apr 19-21, 2001.
    Invited talk:"Comparative analysis of organelle genomes, a biologist's view of computational challenges."
    (Lang BF*, Burger G)

    44th Annual meeting, Canadian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSBMCB).
    Alliston, Ont, Canada, May 31-Jun 2, 2001.
    Invited talk:"Lessons from the comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes."
    (Lang BF*, Gray MW, Burger G)

    FEBS Advanced Course on the Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts.
    Hvar, Croatia, March 31-Apr 4, 2001.
    Invited talk:"Origin and evolution of mitochondria."
    (Burger G*, Lang BF, Lemieux C, Turmel M, Gray MW)


    Conference of Gene Order Dynamics, Comparative Maps and Multigene Families (DCAF).
    Laurentian Mountains, Que, Canada, Sep 22-25, 2000.
    Invited talk:"MAPIT - A semi-automated approach to the representation of genetic maps."
    (Nip A*, Liu L, Seif C, Lang BF, Burger G)

    14th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Digby, NS, Canada, Oct 11-15, 2000.
    Talk:"Cyanophora paradoxa and its relationship to red and green algae: Insights from complete mitochondrial DNA sequences."
    (Burger G*, Lang BF, Gray MW)

    13th Meeting of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP).
    Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, Jul 31-Aug 4, 2000.
    Invited alk:"Unusual structures of mitochondrial genomes in protists."
    (Burger G*, Gray MW, Lang BF)

    6th International Congres of Plant Molecular Biology (ISPMB).
    Quebec, Que, Canada, Jun 18-24, 2000.
    Invited talk:"The sisterhood of red and green algae: A mitochondrial perspective."
    (Gray MW*, Lang BF and Burger G)
    Invited talk:"Gene nomenclature in comparative genomics databases."
    (Burger G*)

    50th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society Canada (GSC).
    Winnipeg, Man, Canada, Jun 11-14, 2000.
    Invited talk:"A future for Canadian microbial genomics?"
    (Lang BF*, Burger G, Gray MW)

    68th Annual Meeting of the French-Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science (ACFAS)
    Montreal, Que, Canada, May 15-19, 2000.
    Talk:"A semi-automated approach to the representation of genetic maps."
    (Nip A*, Liu L, Seif C, Brossard N, Lang BF, Burger G)


    Dechema Workshop on Functional Genome Research on Microorganisms.
    Frankfurt a.M., Germany, Nov 4-5,1999.
    Poster:"Genomics of Holospora obtusa: key to host - pathogen interactions."
    (Nickel M*, Jakob Y, Forget L, Lang BF, Burger G, Goertz, D)

    13th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Banff, BC, Canada, Oct 21-24, 1999.
    Talk:"The 1001 chromosomes of Amoebidium parasiticum."
    (Burger G*, Lang BF, Gray MW)

    16th International Botanical Congress.
    St. Louis, MS, USA, Aug 1-7, 1999.
    Invited talk:"Early evolution of eukaryotes from a mitochondrial genomic perspective."
    (Burger G*, Lang BF, Lemieux C, Turmel M, Gray MW)

    7th Annual conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.
    Brisbane, Australia, Jul 11-14, 1999.
    Invited talk:"A comparative genomics approach to the evolution of mitochondria"
    (Lang BF*, Gray MW, O'Kelly CJ, Burger G)


    Symposium on Origins of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts.
    Joint symposium of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP), the Society of Protozoology (SOP) and the Phycological Society of America (PSA).
    Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, Aug 2-4, 1998.
    Invited talk:"A comparative genomics approach to the evolution of mitochondria."
    (Lang BF*, Gray MW, O'Kelly CJ, Burger G)
    Historical moment: GB invites JL to collaborate on Diplonema papillatum.

    12th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Val Morin, Que, Canada, Jul 25-29, 1998.
    Talk:"How ancestral are heterolobosean protists?"
    (Burger G*, Nerad T, Lang BF, Gray MW)


    11th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Elgin, Ont, Canada, Sep, 1997.
    Talk:"Ancestral mitochondrial DNAs in jakobid protozoa."
    (Burger G*, Gray MW, Lang BF)

    General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
    Miami Beach, FL, USA. 1997.
    Invited talk:"Comparative genomics approach to the evolution of mitochondria."
    (Lang BF*, Burger G, Gray MW)

    Second International Congress of Symbiosis.
    Woods Hole, MA, USA, Apr 13-18, 1997.
    Invited talk:"Early evolution of protist mitochondria."
    (Burger G*, Lang BF, Gray MW)


    10th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Sidney, BC, Canada, Aug 28-Sep 1, 1996.
    Talk 1:"The Organelle Genome Database Project (GOBASE)."
    (Burger G*, Gray MW, Lang BF, Korab-Laskowska M, Littlejohn TG, Rioux P).
    Talk 2:"The quest for the earliest mitochondriate protists, and for bacteria most related to mitochondria."
    (Lang BF*, Burger G, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW, Lemieux C, Sankoff D, Turmel M).

    Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society Canada (GSC).
    Winnipeg, Man, Canada, Jun 12-15, 1996.
    Invited talk:"Bioinformatics projects of the Organelle Genome and Database Program."
    (Burger G, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW, Korab-Laskowska M, Lang BF, Lemieux C, Littlejohn TG, Rioux P*, Sankoff D, Turmel M).

    11th International Meeting of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP-11).
    Koeln, Germany, Aug 8-13, 1996.
    Invited talk:"Phylogenetic relationship of red, green and cryptophyte algae, investigated by complete mitochondrial DNA sequencing."
    (Burger G*, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW, Lang BF, Lemieux C, Sankoff D, Turmel M).

    Genome Canada 96.
    Ottawa, Ont, Canada, Jun 11-16, 1996.
    Invited talk 1:"Mitochondria as a unique window to resolve the phylogeny of the eukaryotes.."
    (Lang BF*, Burger G, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW*, Lemieux C, Sankoff D, Turmel M).
    Invited talk 2:"The organelle genome database project (GOBASE)."
    (Burger G*, Korab-Laskowska M, Rioux P, Lang BF, Gray MW, Littlejohn TG).


    EMBO workshop 1995. Evolution of Archael, Bacterial and Organelle Genomes.
    Stockholm, Sweden, Oct 6-9, 1995.
    Invited talk:"Mitochondria as a unique window on the evolutionary history of the lower eukaryotes."
    (Burger G*, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW*, Lang BF*, Lemieux C, Littlejohn T, Sankoff D, Turmel M)

    9th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Val Morin, Que, Canada, Aug 22-27, 1995.
    Talk:"The Organelle Genome Sequencing Program, progress report."
    (Burger G*, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW, Lang BF, Lemieux C, Littlejohn T, Sankoff D, Turmel M)

    45th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists.
    Kingston, Ont, Canada, Jun 11-15, 1995.
    Invited talk:"Organelle genomics."
    (Burger G, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW, Lang BF*, Lemieux C, Littlejohn T, Sankoff D, Turmel M)

    Plant Mitochondria: From Gene to Function.
    Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA, Apr 7-12. 1995
    Invited talk:"Complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the rhodophyte Porphyra purpurea: a mitochondrial perspective on the evolution of red and green algae."
    (Burger G, Gray MW*, Reith M, Lang BF)

    Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology: Eukaryotic Microorganisms, recent evolutionary studies.
    Washington, DC, USA, May, 21-25 1995).
    Invited talk:"Mitochondria as a unique window on the evolutionary history of the lower eukaryotes."
    (Burger G, Littlejohn T, Gray MW, Lang BF*)

    4th Colloque de Biotechnologie de l'Universite de Quebec, Canada.
    Montreal, Que, Canada, Apr 28-29, 1995.
    Talk:"Megasequencage de microgenomes."
    (Burger G, Littlejohn T, Gray MW, Lang BF*)


    5th International Mycology Congress.
    Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug 14-21, 1994.
    Invited talk:"Fungal phylogeny based on complete mtDNA sequences."
    (Paquin B, Forget L, Burger G, Coleman A, Lang BF*)

    8th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Halifax, NC, Canada, Aug 10-14, 1994.
    Talk:"Megasequencing of microgenomes (OGMP)."
    (Burger G*, O'Kelly CJ, Gray MW*, Lang BF)

    10th International Meeting of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology.
    Halifax, NC, Canada, Aug 4-10 1994.
    Talk:"The diversification of mitochondrial in protists: megasequencing of microgenomes."
    (Burger G, O'Kelly CJ*, Gray MW, Cedergren RC, Turmel M, Lemieux C, Sankoff D, Golding B, Lang BF*)

    4th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology.
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun 19-24, 1994.
    Invited talk:"Mitochondrial genomes in unicellular algae and other protists."
    (Gray MW*, Burger G, Lang BF).


    Course on Molecular Methods in Algal Research.
    University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratory, USA, Jul 1-17, 1993.
    (Organizers L. Goff and A. Coleman)
    Lectures, computer and wet lab teaching on PCR, cloning, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis.
    (Burger G*)

    Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Canada.
    LacDelage, Que, Canada, Jun 12-15, 1993.
    Invited talk:"Molecular evolution of mitochondrial genomes."
    (Lang BF*, Gray, MW, Burger G*)


    6th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Lunenburg, NC, Canada, Sep 12-15, 1992.
    Poster 1:"The mitochondrial genome of Prototheca wickerhamii.
    (Wolff G, Kuck U, Lang BF, Burger G*).
    Poster 2:"The mitochondrial genome of Acanthamoeba castellanii."
    (Plante I, Denis S, Zhu Y, Wang Z, Burger G*)

    Course on Molecular Biology of Marine Algae.
    University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratory, USA, Aug 1-22, 1992.
    (Organizers L. Goff and A. Coleman)
    Invited lectures:"The mitochondrial genome.""Cloning and sequencing techniques."
    (Burger G*)

    Molecular Evolution Workshop.
    Woods Hole, Ma, USA, Aug 2-14, 1992.
    (Organizer M. Sogin)
    Invited lecture:"Genes, gene organization and expression of the mitochondrial genome."
    (Burger G*)

    9th Conference of the International Society of Evolutionary Protistology.
    Orsay, Cedex, France, Jul 3-7, 1992.
    Invited talk:"Complete sequence of the mitochondrial genomes of three protists : Phylogenetic implications."
    Burger G*, Cedergren RC, Golding B, Gray MW, Turmel M, Lemieux C, Sankoff D, Lang BF)


    3rd International Congress of the International Society for Plant Molecular Biology.
    Tucson, Arizona, USA, Oct 6-11, 1991.
    Poster 1:"Phylogeny of the mitochondrial genomes of fungi and algae"
    (Paquin B, Forget L, Plante I, Zhu Y, Wolff G, Burger G, Lang BF*).
    Poster 2:"The chondriome of the alga Prototheca wickerhamii is closely related to plant mitochondria"
    (Wolff G, Burger G*, Lang BF, Kück U)

    5th Annual Meeting of the CIAR Evolutionary Biology Program.
    Lac Delage, Que, Canada, Aug 10-14, 1991.
    Poster:"Do mitochondria from chlorococcal algae and land plants share a common ancestor?"
    (Wolff G, Plante I, Lang BF*, Burger G)

Conference and workshop participations (incomplete)


    Frontiers in ciliate genome evolution, adaptation, and symbiosis (GDRE, BMBS COST Action BM1102 ands IRES CINAR, Pathobacter joint meeting)
    Pisa, Italy, Oct 6-8, 2014.


    Ciliates as Natural Reservoir of potentially pathogenic bacteria: an ecological, functional and evolutionary genomic investigation (IRSES CINAR-pathobacter 2012).
    University of Stuttgart, Germany, Aug 5-8, 2012.

    Bioinformatics workshop on Next-Generation Sequencing.
    Genome Quebec & McGill University Innovation Centre, May 11, 2012.

    11th European Conference on Fugal Genetics.
    Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, March 30 - Apr 2, 2012.


    Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar. Editing and modification of RNA and DNA.
    Galveston, TX, USA, Jan 8-9, 2011.


    20*20 Vision, CIAR's 20th Anniversary
    Victoria, BC, Canada, Jun 14-17, 2002.

    Frühjahrsakademie 2002 der Gesellschaft für Genetik. "Evolution of the eukaryotic genome."
    Wittenberg, Germany, Apr 8-9, 2002.


    2nd Congress of the Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV).
    Riva del Garda, Italy, Sep 30-Oct 4, 2000.


    7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
    Heidelberg, Germany, Aug 6-10, 1999.

Invited seminars and Lectures (incomplete)


    Research seminar, Ohio State University, Department of Microbiology, Columbus, Oh, USA, April 10, 2019.
    "Massive gene defects compensated at the RNA level."
    (Burger G*, Valach M).


    Research seminar, University of Manitoba, Department of Computer Science, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, Nov 14, 2018.
    "Massively defective genes repaired at the RNA level."
    (Burger G*, Valach M, Léveillé-Kunst A).

    Research seminar, Universite de Laval, Department of Phytology, Quebec, QC, May 15, 2018
    "Les microbes symbiotes de la canneberge."
    (Salhi LN, Forget L, Burger G, Lang BF*).


    David A. Walsh '67 Arts and Sciences Seminar Series, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA, Nov 20, 2015.
    "Gene camouflage by fragmentation, RNA editing and accelerated evolution."

    Summer school, Mitochondria and RNA Biology, 2-10 Jun 2015. Levi, Finland.
    Lectures: "RNA editing in mitochondria across the eukaryotic tree."


    Research seminar, Dalhousie University, Biochemistry Department, Halifax, NS, Canada, Jun 6, 2013.
    "From the most bacteria-like to the most derived mitochondrial genomes known today."


    Research seminar, University of Ottawa, Biology Department, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Apr 24, 2008.
    "You break it, you fix it: how to express fragmented genes."


    Research seminar, Biotechnology Research Institute, NRCC, Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct 9, 2007.
    "A new way of encoding and expressing genes."


    Research seminar, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, China, Nov 15, 2004.
    "Structure and evolution of eukaryotic genomes."


    Seminar series on Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics, McGill, Montreal, QC, Canada, Nov 4, 2003.
    "Deciphering and documenting eukaryotic genomes."

    MITACS Quebec Interchange, McGill, Nov 14, 2003.
    "Bioinformatics undergraduate and graduate programs offered at the UdeM."


    Research seminar, University of Halle, Halle, Germany, Apr 9, 2002.
    Mitochondrial genomics, a window to the evolution of eukaryotes."


    Seminar series, Biocentrum, Vienna, Austria, March 30, 2001.
    "The diversity of mitochondrial genomes."

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