

                                                              Handbook of
              Botany                Zoology                  Protoctista         Cavalier-Smith
Kingdom:      Plantae               Animalia                 Protoctista         Plantae
Division/     Chlorophyta
  Phylum:                           Sarcomastigophora        Chlorophyta         Chlorophyta
Class:        Prasinophyceae        Phytomastigophorea       Prasinophyceae      (not given)
Order:        Halosphaeriales       Prasinomonadida          Pyramimonadales     (not given)
Family:       Halosphaeriaceae      (not given)              Pyramimonadaceae    (not given)
Access the NCBI Taxonomy classification of Prasinophyceae (Halosphaeriaceae is listed, but Halosphaera is not, as no sequence data are yet available for a member of this genus). See Pyramimonas classification page for comments on this part of the NCBI classification.

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