The Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program
The Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program (OGMP) has been initiated by an interdisciplinary
collaboration involving ten research groups, predominantly in
Eastern Canada, each
of which is interested in the evolution of mitochondria and
plastids and their genomes.
A centralized facility serves
as the major research hub and is located at the Université de
Montréal (UdeM),
biochemistry department /
Robert-Cedergren Center of Bioinformatics and
Research Objectives
Support for the OGMP has been provided by operating
and equipment grants from the Medical
Council of Canada (MRC) and the Canadian
Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), by salary support
for G. Burger,
MW. Gray and BF. Lang from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
(CIAR), Program in Evolutionary
Biology, and by generous equipment grants from Sun Microsystems and Li-Cor.
| Evolutionary & integrative genomics at the UdeM
| Protist Image Data
| CIAR-Prog.Evol.Biol.
| Entrez
| Blast
| Analysis
| Resources
| Organelle genomes