Genome Canada 1996, Grantee Meeting of the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program.
Ottawa June 14-16, 1996. Invited presentation.


M.W. Gray*, G. Burger, R. Cedergren, B. Golding, C. Lemieux, T.G. Littlejohn, D. Sankoff, M. Turmel and B.F. Lang*. (Presented by *)

Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Departement de Biochimie, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7, Canada.

Mitochondrial genomes are rather conservative in the genetic functions they encode, but they differ radically in genome size, structure, patterns of genome organization and expression, and mode and tempo of evolution. Because of their relatively small sizes, mitochondrial genomes provide excellent material for a comparative genomics approach to genome evolution. Comprehensive sequencing of mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from diverse organisms is expected to provide a wealth of molecular biological data with which to make inferences about the pathways and mechanisms of mitochondrial genome change and diversification. Toward this end, the Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program (OGMP) is systematically investigating the mitochondrial genomes of unicellular eukaryotes (protists). From a phylogenetic perspective, and compared to fungi, animals and plants, protists are by far the most diverse eukaryotic group, and the least well characterized at the level of the mitochondrial genome. To date, we have completely sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of Prototheca wickerhamii (green alga), Porphyra purpurea (red alga), Rhodomonas salina (cryptomonad alga), Ochromonas danica (chrysophyte alga), Cafeteria roenbergensis (bicosoecid zooflagellate), Acanthamoeba castellanii (rhizopod amoeba) and Tetrahymena pyriformis (ciliate protozoon). The sequencing of other mitochondrial genomes is in progress, including those of Pedinomonas minor (green alga); Reclinomonas americana, Malawimonas jakobiformis and Jakoba libera (jakobid flagellates); Chrysodidymus synuroideus (golden alga); and Thraustochytrium aureum (stramenopile). The data set from this broad selection of taxa has allowed us to undertake a detailed comparison of the gene contents and patterns of mitochondrial genome organization, expression and evolution in these protists. We will present several examples of unusual genes, gene arrangements, and modes of gene expression that exemplify the kinds of molecular data that have emerged from the systematic approach taken by OGMP, and the utility of these data for making evolutionary inferences. In addition, phylogenetic reconstructions based on multiple mitochondrial protein sequences will be emphasized as a powerful approach to resolving the branching order of eukaryotic assemblages whose evolutionary relationships have so far remained unresolved by other approaches. For example, our results support, with high bootstrap probability, the idea that red and green algae shared a common ancestor that emerged later in eukaryote evolution than cryptophyte algae. Finally, the molecular data gathered by OGMP, by highlighting ancestral characteristics of present-day mitochondrial genomes, provide increased support for a monophyletic origin of mitochondria, and give us a much better understanding than was previously possible of what the proto-mitochondrial genome was probably like, and what genes it contained. Supported by MRC Canada (SP-34) and CGAT (GO-12323).

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