On-line scientific journals

Full text journals

Members of the Université de Montréal (IP adress 132.204 .....) have access to full text articles from the following web versions of scientific journals, in addition to  free or limited trial period access to other journals.

Subscription to "Nucleic Acids Research" is available only to certain members of the biochemistry department.

Full list of titles supplied by the UdeM, via PROXY.

Annual Review of Genetics
Annual Review of Biochemistry
Canadian Journal of Botany
Current Genetics    SpringerLINK
FEBS Letters: Home page    Access to full text is free until 1 October 1999 !!
FEMS Microbiology Reviews    ScienceDirect
Gene    ScienceDirect
Genes & Development
Journal of Molecular Evolution    SpringerLINK
MGG Molecular and General Genetics    SpringerLINK
Nucleic Acids Research Online    Confidential password
Nature     (login; udemo, password; peri)
Physiological Genomics    Free !!
ScienceDirect - Journals     Elsevier (no password!!) choose "group-wide login"
SpringerJournals-Subscription list
The EMBO Journal Online
The European Journal of Biochemistry    SpringerLINK
The FASEB Journal
The Journal of Biological Chemistry Online    (from 1996 to 1998)
The Lancet (ScienceDirect)
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online
Trends in Biochemical Sciences    ScienceDirect
Wiley InterScience Home Page     *Instructions to access Wiley InterScience

* Périodiques électroniques-Bibliothèque de la Santé
* Periodiques electroniques/UdM

Other journals

BioMedNet Home Page   Free !
ASM Journals
       Molecular and Cellular Biology
       Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
       The Journal of Bacteriology
Current Biology Publications
Scientific American and Scientific American Exhibits

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