About ISEP

The International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP) serves people with interests in the taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution of "protists" - those eukaryotic organisms that cannot be placed among the green plants, multicellular animals or mycelial, nonzoosporic fungi.

The principal activities of ISEP are the ISEP Newsletter, this World Wide Web archive, and a biennial meeting, next held in 2000.

The ISEP Archive contains news and information of interest to ISEP members and friends, and to anyone who is interested in the organismal biology of protists.

ISEP membership is open to all persons who have an interest in protists. The dues are nominal, US$25 for two years. A membership application form may be found in the Archive.

Enjoy browsing the ISEP Archive. Feel free to contact any ISEP officer or member for further information, or to help with any questions you may have, about protists and the ongoing Protist Revolution.

Copyright © 1994-1999 by Charles J. O'Kelly and Tim Littlejohn on behalf of ISEP. Distribution for noncommercial purposes permitted so long as this copyright notice is included and acknowledgement is made. Modifications not permitted without the written consent of the authors.

We welcome comments, critiques, suggestions and bug reports, sent to Charley at:

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