B. Franz Lang | current research

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[ Allomyces | Aspergillus | Harpochytrium | Monoblepharella | Monosiga | Phytophtora | Rhizophydium | Rhizopus | Schizophyllum | Schizosaccharomyces | Spizellomyces ]


Many thanks to our past and present collaborators, in particular to members of the OGMP, and to:

    S. Andersson, C. Kurland and H. Winkler (Rickettsiaceae)
    D. Barr (Chytridiomycetes)
    J. Chesnick (Chrysophytes)
    A. Coleman (Ochromonas)
    L. Goff (red algae)
    H-D. Görtz (Rickettsia-related endosymbionts)
    M. Kelly-Borges (Porifera)
    T. Littlejohn (Bioinformatics)
    J. Longcore and M. Mollicone (Chytridiomycetes)
    U. Maier (Rhodomonas)
    G. McFadden (Chlorarachnion)
    C. O'Kelly (Histionids and other protists)
    T. Nerad (protists)
    M. Reith (Porphyra)

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