Bristol's medium

This medium can be used to grow many non-photosynthetic fresh water protists, which use bacteria as food source (e.g., Reclinomonas americana, Cafeteria roenbergensis, Monosiga brevicollis, Ministeria vibrans etc.). Add freshly grown Enterobacter aerogenes (ATTC 13048), or any other non-pathogenic food bacteria to the medium described below. Do not overfeed, daily servings are sufficient. Only at high cell densities, during the late logarithmic growth phase, one can add an amount of bacteria that were fully grown on one LB petri dish (over nite), to one liter of culture. It is preferable to shake cultures at low speed (about 100 rpm), but not all protists will support so.

To 1l distilled and autoclaved water add: add ml Steril stock solutions 10 ml CaCl2 (1g/400ml) 10 ml MgSO4x7H2O (3g/400ml) 10 ml of Bristol salt mix (3g K2HPO4, 7g KH2PO4, 1g NaCl, 10 g NaNO3 /400ml)

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